New Intermittent Fasting Data?

As an intermittent faster this recent article and data freaked me out a bit. Not sure I buy it. Calorie restriction appears to be the only thing that has a measurable and consistent impact on longevity.

Pure click-bait in my opinion.
This article is talking about “one meal a day” which very few people do and has some merit in its conclusion. I personally think one meal a day might place some stress on our systems.

To be clear I am talking about time-restricted feeding TRF, not one meal a day, or extensive fasting.
Too many studies have shown time-restricted feeding improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, reduces imflammation, helps maintain a healthy weight.
This is one citation, and not a very good one at that, in a sea of articles showing the benefits of TRF. Until I see much better evidence I will ignore this article as mostly BS.

I just notice that in the middle of the article is an advertisement for intermittent fasting. You can’t make this stuff up.
BTW. They couldn’t possibly account for all of the variables they claim to and leave out inconvenient variables.


Discussed in an earlier thread

Some dumb journalist flubbed the summary. The full study is in that thread. Read my comments and KarlT’s.

Best to go to the source. Never trust the headlines. What bleeds leads, as William Randolph Hearst used to say.


As an oh, btw, anyone have clear definitions of time restricted eating vs omad vs IF?

Risks and benefits of intermittent fasting for the aging cardiovascular system

“Growing evidence supports IF as a potentially safe and feasible dietary intervention to improve human health…”

Paywalled paper:


Here is a recent general public article about intermittent fasting that I thought had some good insights about autophagy and ketosis.


Rishi Sunak, the British Prime Minister, has admitted to starting each week with a 36 hour long period of fasting.

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