New Breakthrough Paves the Way for Extending Human Lifespan – Scientists Successfully Transfer Longevity Gene


This has made me consider supplementing with HMW-HA. I found a 1000 KDA HMW High Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid Powder Cosmetic & Food Grade product. What I haven’t found is dosage. How many grams should I consume a day? Any ideas, please? Thank you :slight_smile:

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High molecular weight hyaluronan mediates the cancer resistance of the naked mole-rat

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Considering that 80-90% of mice die of cancer, having something that prevents cancer in mice is their fountain of immortality.

Unfortunately, we die of causes other than cancer. But, it couldn’t hurt.


We already have potent weapons in our fight against ASCVD. If we get similar treatments against cancer, getting to 100 and beyond becomes much easier.


Seems that the/a major effect was lower of inflammation, which (besides cancer) is a major culprit in human aging an disease.

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Agree, ascvd and metabolic disease are to a very high extent things we can influence if not even control, while cancer (and neurodegeneration and autoimmune things) are less so.


Can you share brand / link?

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Don’t know how legit, but going to purchase and test:

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How you intend to use it? Taking dissolved in water or something else?

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I’m thinking of adding it to my protein shake. It’s already got glycine, taurine and a host of other bits and bobs in it - so thinking of just adding the hyaluronic acid as another ingredient. Not sure this is the best way scientifically, but will certainly be convenient for me.

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I guess it’s a good approach for introduce Hyaluronic in your stack. Good luck


HA is a common supplement available on Amazon. It helps bone joints, is used to help aging skin but does turn on the herpes virus, which I have. I experienced this years ago when I tried to take it and had to stop. Dang. How can I dial down the herpes so HA won’t turn it on. Currently using diet and L-Lysine to keep the virus turned off. Might re-try HA and dial up the L-Lysine intake.

Are you using L-Arginine? Hyaluronic acid never triggered an herpes outbreak in me but L-Arginine did.

No, I’m not using L-Arginine. Pretty sure it was the HA that kicked herpes in, but may go back and try it again, and up my L-Lysine that I use to keep herpes at bay. Almost 50 years ago I was in high-rise concrete construction in the Wash. DC area and worked building a lab specifically for herpes research, to go after the herpes virus. The general superintendent on that job had a daughter he almost lost to herpes. She had a massive attack going down her throat, but survived. In all these years, medical research has not been able to target and eliminate that virus. Maybe between nano and Crisper tech they can nail it down and destroy it.

The Oxford University Longevity group called “Gowing Life” also frequently does a good writeup on longevity approaches. Here is their write-up of this paper:


Found several offerings for HMW-HA on Amazon and this one looks pretty good: 30 grams:

Would provide about 150 servings of 200mg each for under $20.00.


Good find! I buy supplements from this company (Micro Ingredients) and it seems to be cost-effective.

Is anyone familiar with their quality?

What about Bulk Supplements (company) or Nutricost?

The only companies I truly trust are NOW and DNA. I’d love to add others to my trusted vendors list as it will be more cost-effective.

Does anyone have a consumerlab account that could research these?

I have an account there, suggest becoming a member there. Very interesting test’s done, not only supplement based. NOW, Dr.'s Best and Lifeextention are typically top of the chart’s when it comes to purity and consistency. Bulk Supplements have also been tested with some of their products, without negative remarks as I can remember. DNA has never been tested, for whatever reason. Maybe they refuse to give consumerlab samples. Renue By Science has tested their NMN etc. there without negative remarks.


@Goran Thanks. That’s pretty much what I was looking for! :slight_smile: