I know if I do this (with nathan brown) it could be the single most important thing that could help my emotional/mental state, and in fact I did get a grant for this. Something is off with my brainwaves (a lot of ADHD/trauma) and I know there may be creative ways to fix it (nathan brown is said to be able to fix up “really fucked up brains”). I don’t know if they have collected reliable enough statistics to say this, but it’s at least more worth a shot than other things.
[I know b/c I recently suffered a massive life-defining traumatic accident and went through a lot…] I almost never physically get sick (at least not for the past 12+ years), but emotionally things are different
My main issues are excess daydreaming/excess default mode noise/rumination/excess slow waves that drown my ability to be calm and do anything significant.
5 minutes a day using something like the HeartMath device just helps.
Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES)
A non-invasive brain stimulation that applies a small pulsed electric current across a person’s head. This small electrical stimulus applied laterally across the cranium stimulates endorphins, serotonin, and norepinephrine neurotransmitter production.
It enables one to “play” various waves (e.g., alpha, beta, delta, gamma). One’s brain then responds by aligning with the specific wave - a bit like tuning a guitar.
You can special order the device to support gamma waves by submitting a letter that you belong to a group (such as this forum) that conducts research.
I really liked this device. Lent it to a former colleague who apparently liked it so much they never returned it ;-(
A few threads include discussion about Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency use.
I’ve used and continue to use PEMF technology for some 15 years.
If you search the forums (or me) you’ll find a number of discussions on PEMF. Joseph_Lavelle interviewed Robert Dennis on the subject.
Not certain we need another one.
Also see Robert Dennis’s work and devices at Micro Pulse.
There are booths at the NYC neuromodulation conference right now. Lots of tES (though it’s not superintuitive which frequencies applied to which regions work best - eg one poster showed negative effects of gamma-stimulation to PFC in HEALTHY individuals [though I don’t quite count as “healthy”])
Park avenue neurology was a clinic that was suggested for off label
keep in mind a lot of people who TMS for depression do relapse after TMS stops even when the treatments are initially helpful
Will be interested to see how this goes. I’ve been learning about qeeg and neurofeedback for like a year now. Finally got a qeeg myself after finding someone local.
How much did it cost? Is a week enough to force changes in the brain"?
Talked w/someone who can get coordinates from a fMRI scan to then use with TMS in a brainregion. Waveneuro might not be necessary (it’s very new, extremely expensive, not super-well-proven, hasn’t worked on some people on reddit). Wave neuro uses a magventure machine…
the only trick is finding a TMS machine
ruminative activity: heightened activity in the subgenual ACC, and higher connectivity between that area and the PCC
“SAINT protocol. It’s many stimulations a day for 1-2 weeks instead of 1 stimulation a day for 6 weeks” => this makes travel for it much easier
[however, fMRI-guided TMS is really the way to go…] and there is one clinic in NYC that offers it, though with a price tag of $5000 just for the fMRI…
I’m getting to try a brainbit and NeuroREC – BrainBit soon, idk if this thing will work, the amount of medical attention to NF is a small fraction of what’s invested in TMS/tFUS
Just as we simulate calorie restriction and hack cells to live longer, we should be able to do the same thing during sleep, and gerontologists should work on this too.
I just attended https://isnrconference.org/ . Totally worth it for the vendors (they let you try their products all in the same room) which you can’t do at many conferences.
tACS + neurofeedback might be the easier way to train the brain (quicker). My brain isn’t super-responsive to NF games b/c their “rewards” don’t register as “rewards” in the brain. Also just a good way to quantify the brain in general
Neurofield neurotherapy has some really skilled montages/practitioners.
Coherence training based off a QEEG, specifically multivariate coherence training which examines and then trains coherence at 4 sites vs the usual 2 is supposed to be faster and more effective neurofeedback. I’m currently looking into it as an option.
talked with two people today, one who really analyzed my qeeg for me and even put it thru ICA analysis to show that a lot of it is a subgenual ACC issue…
there’s an alternative: heroic psilocybin doses (x.com mentions 24g which is a REALLY high dose) but the risks are still just way too high given my tendency to go SEBUS rather than REBUS. Still if done in the context of a “healing center” [and MA will probably legalize psychedelics next month]. I also have not done a heroic dose, and know it’s only safe for me if really supervised well…
[I’m also taking a long break from psychedelics unless I’m really really supervised - I intend to continue the break until I really dissociate psychedelics from “needing human attention” and “being edgy” from my brain]
there’s fMRI-guided TMS in NYC which I could get, though the fMRI is v. expensive… talked with them 10/17 and the scaling for price is terribly expensive, there are cheaper places…
i hate calling clinics when email is possible, it’s so annoying when you have to call so many
I am combining neurofeedback training 3xweek (Peak Brain) with photobiomodulation 2xday (Neuronic 1070 helmet). QEEG amongst other things shows hypercoherence in beta, hypocoherence in theta at back, paroxysmal short energy bursts on the right and peak alpha frequency below what could be desired. A future QEEG will show if my brain wave patterns have improved.