Near infrared light therapy: Any experiences?

Not super confident on this review of red light devices (what criteria did they use in this “review”?) More a list of products that may be of interest:


Regarding red light therapy, here is some feedback from my partner on the WiseAthletes podcast, Glen Winkel. Glen has been suffering for several years from a progressively worsening back issue that eventually forced him off his road bike a year ago or so. Red / NIR Light belt to the rescue!


“I wanted to give you an update on my flex beam. As you know I finally just decided to go for it and spend the big bucks. I have been using it for a few months. With treatments every morning

Since I started using it my back has slowly started to improve. Where I could only ride the road bike 1-2 times a week for 1 hour, now I am able to ride back to back days for 2-4 hours rides!”


I love the contraption you have devised.
How does it fit in your routine?
The LED bulbs you had linked tk Amazon are not available but there are other similar dual chip LEDproducts.
Do you know if they have EMF rating?
I recently started using Bestqool
I hope to assemble a standing panel (like yours) that i can place in front of my rower or bike but need to find out if its EMF is zero and worth the effort and $$.


No, I don’t, but since I am surrounded by EMF-emitting devices and have been for 82 yrs, I don’t give a damn.
I will be building a new “contraption” this year consisting of 8 to 10, 13"X8" lightweight panels that will give a more even distribution of red light.
I have been happy with my first attempt. BTW, this is now mounted horizontally, pictured elsewhere on this site.


Thanks. Keep us posted so will await the arrival of newer design before I embark on the project.

I’d guess you won’t give a damn about my upcoming talk with Ollie Johansson PhD of the Karolinska Institute about nnEMF (mostly cell phones). He says to worry.

I haven’t worried about nnEMF since the power line scares in my youth but now I’ve decided it costs me little to be careful, especially with my children.


Pls provide a link to that discussion.

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Oh no :frowning: . Yes please post that link, this does sound concerning.

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Yeah, the phone is either right by my ear, or in my front pants pocket. Sensitive areas. The whole emf thing is crazy since there are devices that are built to do exactly that to you for your health. I look forward to the talk.


Until California bans cell phones, I won’t worry about it.
There are far more things to worry about than cell phone EMF.
I doubt it would make my top 100 list.
I’m not going to waste my time listening to Ollie Johansson when I have a dozen or more YouTube videos by other PhDs & MDs gathering dust in my YouTube Watch Later file.

I hope its beyond random coincidence, ever since I started using Photoniompdulation using RLT in the evening prior to bedtime, my deep sleep has been hitting 2 hrs plus for days in row! It used to be 2-4 x month of 2 hrs + deep sleep prior to using RLT in evening.

NIR is thought to encourage the production of serotonin (a precursor to melatonin).

Red Light Therapy

I prefer Nick Norwitz to Physionic because I like his presentations better and the fact that he has better credentials. Ph.D + MD Ph.D, Oxford, MD Harvard
However, I am never a fan of the commercial recommendations that they recommend in which they have a financial interest.

Nick Norwitz:
He graduated Valedictorian from Dartmouth College in 2018, majoring in Cell Biology and Biochemistry. He then completed his PhD in Metabolism at the University of Oxford in 2021 before attending Harvard Medical School to complete his MD.

Illuminate Your Mind: How Red Light Can Boost Brain Metabolism

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