Nattokinase and Vitamin K2

I am wondering if anyone knows anything about the relationship between nattokinase and vitamin k2 mk-7. If someone takes nattokinase 2000 fu, how much vitamin k2 mk-7 will the body produce??

I think the answer is zero. nattokinase is the enzyme. Natto is the soybean sludge that contains both nattokinase and k2mk7.


I’ve been taking Nattokinase for a couple years. As with most things dose is important.

About 10 months ago I upped my dose to get 10,000 FU/day

I also take K2-Mk7 as well as manganese - there are some interesting studies on manganese for arterial plaque reduction. I posted my N-1 results with 3 years of PWV data (pulse wave velocity) and have seen an improvement in the past year.

“In conclusion, our data demonstrate that atherosclerosis progression and hyperlipidemia can be effectively managed with NK at a dose of 10,800 FU/day. The lower dose of 3,600 FU per day is ineffective. The dose of 10,800 FU/day is safe and well tolerated. Some lifestyle factors and the coadministration of vitamin K2 and aspirin lead to improved outcomes in the use of NK. Our findings provide clinical evidence on the effective dose of NK in the management of cardiovascular disease and challenge the recommended dose of 2,000 FU per day.”


Did the 10,000 FU increase show any measurable change for you? — I am planning to take that yearly but haven’t jumped of that cliff quite yet (I haven’t even started rapa yet).

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As far as measurable, I can’t really separate all my interventions :slight_smile:

My objective was to reduce my PWV, to that end I had added 2 things, first NK for about 18 months but I had not looked into dosing and was doing 2000 FU’s (no measurable difference) then 8 months ago I increased to 10k FU’s. Secondly I added 5mg manganese daily about 7 months ago.

Up until then my PWV was slowly increasing. Jan 2024 it started decreasing. So I’m not sure if it is the NK or the manganese or the combination.


I guess the question is did you have a deficiency in the first place. I do not have CVD but I just want to keep healthy. I really do not want to add more stuff into my diet… lol. Lots of pills. It is like a friend of mine who is a severe diabetic type 2. As soon as he takes 800mg vitamin C with 50mg zinc, his sugar stabilizes better according the to blood sugar monitor implant. However, because his wife is a vegetarian, I suspect that he has no decent source of Zn in the first place. For most of us, it is not even an issue because we consume plenty of Zn from seafood.

I’ve been making my own natto and putting ~130g of the beans in my morning smoothie for protein and fiber. There’s no way I can eat enough to get 10K FU. :joy:


I’m not familiar with the full nutritional profile of Natto, have read a bit about it.

I went with Nattokinase as it’s pretty easy to get 10k FU/day - the brand I use, is rated at 5k per 1gm. So 2gm’s and I’m good. Goes into my stupidly complex morning shake LoL!

A deficiency in which? manganese?

I don’t eat a perfectly balanced diet so I take low dose Manganese as insurance with regard to arterial plaque control.

My mother died of a heart attack at age 55
Her mother died of a heart attack at age 60
My father had CHF - that didn’t get him but would have, had he not died in an accident at age 75.

I do know (diagnosed) that I’m susceptible to coronary artery spasm so I’ll probably be on CCB’s the rest of my life.

So I’m working on the premise I may be susceptible to heart conditions. I have had high BP and take meds for that. My BP has dropped significantly in the past year, which I attribute mostly to losing 50lbs since Jan 2023. As the next 6 months unfold I’ll see how things are going and maybe reduce the BP meds a bit.

I buy natto at a Korean food store and eat 50g of it every day. It doesn’t have as high of an FU dose as supplements but it’s packed with other nutrition, including K2 and fermented probiotics. It shows anti clotting benefits as well.


Sounds good :slight_smile:

I’m not terribly concerned about what things are packed with. I prefer to know exactly what is in something, when I’m taking it for a specific purpose.

So I know exactly how many FU’s and exactly how much K2-Mk7 I’m getting, every day.

That keeps my monkey mind quiet :slight_smile:

50g has an average of 1400 FU. Mine is homemade and fresh… no idea how that impacts it, but I’d probably have to triple my daily intake to get the large dose. Easier to add the pill, for sure. However, soybeans are great food on their own.


If no-one else says it: congrats on losing the weight — that’s terrific. It’s much more difficult to do than many of the ectomorphs on this site think it is.


1400 x 7 = 9,800 FU’s

So you would need 350gm!! per day.

There are other benefits from Natto, I can see that but personally, I’ve been looking for a very specific benefit that comes from high dose NK.

It’s kind of like getting Vit-D from the sun, doesn’t happen during long Cdn winters so I supplement Vit-D for a reason, just like NK, plus many of the other “things” people on this forum do for specific reasons :slight_smile:


Without Terzepatide in my arsenal, I would continue to struggle the rest of my life.

I’ve posted on this, from my DNA tests, 12 of the 13 most influential fat genes are turned on. I’m a non-responder to both caloric restriction and exercise as far as weight loss goes. I’ve been overweight for 40 years and have done it all. Even owned a weight loss clinic in the 80’s and still could not keep my weight at a healthy level without starving myself.

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I’m with you. I actually lost 50 pounds (25%) from my peak. That was during a time when i had cut out all sugars, desserts, fruit, etc but still had pasta and potatoes — stupid mistake for a person with a background in biochem.

I tried everything as well: i was vegetarian for several years, tried juice cleanses, was vegan for three months, Mediterranean diet for years and couldn’t lose the weight (it would snap right back). The thing that eventually worked for me (not advocating it) is the keto diet (but because of cancer prevention, not weight) combined with regular OMAD combined with four-day fasts (again, for cancer prevention, not weight) every 1,5-2 months. And the weight really flew off and hasn’t returned. My gut is the keto kept my hunger down, and the OMAD kept me from binge eating, but the real work was done by the fasting, but that’s just a feeling. I also picked up real weightlifting and retuning to loads of stair climbing.


the 50g I eat contains 100 calories by the way

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Yeah, the only reason I eat 130g is that’s what my big scooper spoon scoops. Can’t taste it in my smoothie. 270 cals.

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Yes, I might consider adding a couple 4000 FU supplement pills. There’s no way I can tolerate that many soybeans.

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I am planning to use the pill as I am not so sure I am keen of eating fermented soya beans.