Myo-inositol improves cardiometabolic & anthropometric measures, and liver function in obese patients with NAFLD

Forum member “AlexKChen” posted this (on 02/27/2023) in another older thread

Thank you Alex

Am posting as an independent thread as some people may not see/read the original posting.

Also posted two other papers, the link’s are below to bring you up to speed on this compound.

The dose used in the first paper was 4g per day.

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Myo-Inositol and Its Derivatives: Their Emerging Role in the Treatment of Human Diseases

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Inositols: From Established Knowledge to Novel Approaches

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Interesting. I have been considering inositol supplementation as a mechanism to improve my sleep. Has anyone got n=1 experience of using inositol and seeing benefit (or not)?

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These articles was a very interesting read. Thank you.
I learn something new every day at this site. I have ordered this supplement today, I have a strong suspicion that it will help with my BHP amongst other things.

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Goran, review;

Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia by Natural Drugs

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Thanks Joseph.
I have tried / still use most of the natural treatments listed in this paper, not much is working. My doctor believes I have prostate problems because my DHEA is low and my testosterone is to high for my age. To increase DHEA you can add that to the supplement stack, but it leaves you at risk to get prostate cancer according to statistics, and I will not risk it. I have read that Myo-inositol have the ability to balance the hormones, I will try it and see how it works out, It is just what I need.


Started (03/03/2023) taking myo- inositol from bulk powder.
4.2g per day in one dose

Andrew Huberman uses it and claims that his sleep latency after waking up in the middle of the night is reduced if he has ingested 900mg of myo-inositol prior to sleep.

I am now also interested in inositol.

[Myo-inositol for insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome and gestational diabetes] (

Myo-inositol can either be present in free form or bound to phospholipids or inositol phosphate derivates.2 Additionally, myo-inositol is a structural component of the cell membrane as it is needed in the formation of phosphatidylinositol.1 Myo-inositol is also important for insulin signalling as it makes up many secondary messengers in response to insulin. Elevated glucose levels decrease the absorption and biosynthesis of myo-inositol and increase its degradation and urinary excretion.21Insulin resistance and elevated glucose levels reduce inositol uptake into tissues. Myo-inositol levels are higher in tissues that use large amounts of glucose, such as the brain, heart and ovaries. D-chiro-inositol (DCI) is higher in tissues requiring glucose storage, such as liver and muscles. Insulin resistance impairs the conversion of myo-inositol to DCI in muscles, fat and liver. Increased urinary losses of myo-inositol have been consistently found in those with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.21

Since we get pseudo-diabetes from rapamycin, wouldn’t it be wise to up the intake of myo-inositol through foods or supplements to have adequate levels? Thoughts?


Any updates on inositol? I heard about it from Huberman a while ago.

What improvements to symptoms of BPH, if any, have you noticed?