My longevity journal

Hello everybody
To begin I would like to thanks everyone on the forum for all the stuff I learned, for the time you take to post your discoveries here. I would like to introduce you to my longevity journal. I condensed a lot of informations about what I do, what I used to do, and what I will do. From past mistakes to future success.
I will update it when tried something new, when blood works will be done. Feel free to ask wathever you want. I’m sorry if some sentences are weirdly wrote, english isn’t my first language.
About me, I’m 22, from France, and passionate about longevity, health and biohacking. I love to experiment stuffs on myself. I got a decent budget to do what I love.
I’ve got a small background in biology and pharmacology and did a year in a phamacy during my studies (not to be pharmacist but technician). Stopped because I wanted to work with meds and people and not be a seller of shitty expansive supplements .

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Very nice. In general I recommend people keep a health journal. I’ve kept one for over 25 years. I record daily - diet, exercise, sleep, supplements, medication, and any health related occurances, pains, issues, doctor visits and the like. If I need to know any detail of my health history, I can just refer to my health journal, I can keep track of what works, various correlations and the like. Highly useful and takes no more than 2-5 minutes a day.


You are doing this at 22…. MIND BLOWN!!!

*stands and claps


Well, thank you.
Not always has been the case. I always tried to take care of myself, but some mental health problem (MDD, and possibly bipolar disorder) slow the process. I can easily became manic in what I do (drugs consumption) or when I was in my bodybuilding time and used heavy dose of anabolic steroids.


Glad you seem to be on a healthier path. Best of luck because it is a challenge!!

Due to my ADD, I just can’t force myself to keep a health journal, even though it’s something I would get great value out of, especially due to my inadequate memory!! I can laser focus on things I truly enjoy, but for the life of me, can’t make myself do something I don’t really want to. I’m forever impressed with most of you who can read a study. I can force myself to read the words, but my mind wanders and I simply can’t comprehend anything past the first two sentences! In my old finance career, because it was a passion, I could read analyst reports all day long… but a medical study, nope!


Good work. Keep us updated.
At 22 people don’t know much as you get older you’ll realize that too, at the same time I’m 29 so maybe I don’t know so much either.

Which makes me think: I have like 5 years of experience of real life. What kind of tricks under their belts do people in their 50s, 60s, 70s have? What kinds of crazy heuristics and meta-heuristics they’ve got in their minds, hearts, and muscles after decades of poking the world? I have no clue and this is what makes me really worried about them.

And regarding advice if anyone gives it:

I hesitate to give advice because every major single piece of advice I was given turned out to be wrong and I am glad I didn’t follow them. I was told to focus and I never did. I was told to never procrastinate and I waited 20 years for The Black Swan and it sold 3 million copies. I was told to avoid putting fictional characters in my books and I did put in Nero Tulip and Fat Tony because I got bored otherwise. I was told to not insult the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal; the more I insulted them the nicer they were to me and the more they solicited Op-Eds. I was told to avoid lifting weights for a back pain and became a weightlifter: never had a back problem since. If I had to relive my life I would be even more stubborn and uncompromising than I have been.
– Nassim Taleb


Just arrived!


Don’t you get any problems with customs ordering from India? Thought EU countries were quite strict.

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Fantastic to read your personal health information… wow!

Wish I had started as early as you. Now almost 67 years. I was in France last week Paris and Beziers. Providing American Medicine lectures. Great country and people.

Documented - French woman longest lived Jeanne Louise Calment French, 21 February 1875 – 4 August 1997) - 122 years .

Maybe you’re going to beat her with that early approach…

I think you’re on the right track and then when you hit 28 years or so and start rapamycin you should also consider… proscar… aka finasteride - it will keep your prostate the current size… and possibly prevent prostate cancer.

A small prostate is a gift …
especially to guys that are 60… 70 and 80. Which right now… might seem a long ways off but it’s the major thing old males complain about at my age. I having been on proscar now for 34 years … I’m told by my urologist my prostate is about the size of yours… a guy in his twenties.

It also retains your hair which - I still have and it clears cholesterol out of your blood so keeping atherosclerosis at bay.

Again you don’t seem to need advice … you’ve got it figured out.

Might be fun to say hi next time I’m in France. Which will be as soon as I can get back. Hahaha


Absolutely no problem, but I live in France and our custom security is basically non existant. Delivred in a week!


Haha it would be a pleasure! Already went to the USA few years ago to improve my english, was an awesome hollydays. I went to Washington DC and stayed 3 weeks in a host family in Rockville.

I don’t know what to think about 5ar-i, my serum DHT is below the reference range naturally, and I am a bit worried about mental side effects. I might give a try in my next order to see how I react.

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790mL of plasma donated this morning. The doc almost refused my donation because of low BP at arrival (below 100/70) and because I’ve lost 20kg between the last donation and today (81 to 61kg). But she finally accepted.

No problem during the blood draw and reinjection. Just a really low BP at the end, at 85/65 but no symptoms. Doc was a bit worried.

I might stop telmisartan because of that. Tirzepatide lowers my BP a lot, and I’m not sure using telmisartan is now beneficial in any ways, even if it increases my HDL my a few mg/dL and helps insuline sensitivity. Too-low BP, even without symptoms isn’t desirable.


Great info and very insightful. Just a word of caution. since you are so young, I would be careful with trying to lower some of the indicators with meds/chemicals. For example if your lipids are in the normal range I would not do Pita, or Eze, or Bempe just to take it lower. Many things you are doing, mainly meds I wouldn’t even look into before minimum 35 or even 40 (unless your blood test show out of normal range).
The one thing that I would try to work on for you I think is an increase on Testo but I would not recommend doing TRT at your age and level. I would focus on exercise and supplements and other natural stimulants. Fascinating for a 22-year-old to be so passionate about the anti-aging. Keep it up but proceed with caution.


Smart man which reminds me I must start at 58 before it is too late lol. Did you ever notice any bad sides and what dose are you doing/recommend. Thanks,


Thank you for your answer
I disagree regarding “agressive” lipid management for younger individual. My LDL naturally is 80mg/dL wich is definitely not optimal, knowing that I have a family history of heart diseases from my father side. Atherosclerosis starts young and I don’t want thoses problems. Easy to prevent, hard to cure.
I’m trying my best to boost my total testosterone level, I’ve tried exemestane with some success but sides were terrible after few months (anhedonia + low mood). Furthermore, I’m against SERM such as enclomiphene or tamoxifene because af general toxicity and blood clots.
Gonna check soon my T level again, if needed in few months I might try hcg mono therapy.

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I guess it doesn’t hurt but I wouldn’t do anything extreme. 80 is perfectly fine for you. I never had less than 80 and last test my LDL was 104 (bit high for my liking, not very concerned as I have zero symptoms. My total was well within the normal though. As far as history there is no way in hell you have it worse than mine, grandfather dead at 55 (heart attack) grandmother dead at 56 heart problems, mom passed away at 59 stroke, my dad had angina (blocked arteries) since late 40’s.
I’m 58 and I am very strong and very healthy. Never been on any prescribed medication other than what I do for longevity myself. Again, to me only if your numbers are out of the normal range should you worry much especially at your age and if you live a healthy lifestyle, e.i. don’t overeat, eat organic/natural foods, eat fish and vegies/fruits often, and don’t be a drunk head, no smoking.

It sounds silly to say it this way, but I know for a fact that I’ll easily live at least to 95 barring any accidents. Disease don’t just appear because they like to. There’s got to be a reason for it, you either live a sedentary lifestyle, you stuff your mouth with burgers and donuts daily, you drink yourself to death daily/weekly etc… Everyone will be fine just by being a bit smarter with their choices, that’s all it takes, and live a healthy lifestyle. Again, if I were you, I’d proceed with caution with chemicals/meds at your age.

The reason I’m even on these forums is not to get knowledge on how to live to 95 years old because that is a given for any person that knows anything about health and follows a healthy lifestyle. The reason I’m here is because I would want to at least live to 105, and Love to live closer to 120.

Forgot to add the only wild card for me is cancer, and that one I can’t say for sure I can prevent it. But, for now I consume a 1.5 spoonful of organic EVOO on an empty stomach, consume 2 ground spoonsful of flaxseeds daily, and eat vegies and fruits and fish very often, and couple organic steaks weekly and exercise daily. All these I think go a long way to help protect against cancer IMO, but doubt anything will make us 100% cancer proof.

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The lipids in serum don’t do anything so might as well lower them. A few apoB48 particles transport triglycerides for use as energy and transporting fat soluble vitamins, etc. But there will be plenty of use even when lowering significantly and all of the ways of lowering don’t affect apoB48 synthesis. That means less apoB100 particles that will be circulating and that are crashing into the arterial wall, especially where the arteries make turns and curves (where pressure is highest and thus more of the plaque build up is). ApoB crashing into the arterial wall is necessary for atherosclerosis. Starting earlier is actually better since we see people who genetically low levels are protected from most cardiovascular disease.

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Even though I never studied medicine nor biology for that matter, but I highly doubt this to be true. Everything that exist on our body/blood has a reason/function, and I will NOT change my mind on that even if a five-time Nobel prize winner doctor told me differently LOL.


I have never had any issues at all from decades of use… ED (erectile dysfunction) or anything else. My prostate is very small and healthy according to my urologist. Great urine stream… and health.

Very active libido at almost 67 years.

I would suggest in combination- 5mg tadalafil daily. My urologist started me on it for epithelial tissue health… and increases nitric oxides. Great stuff.


Sure, it has a ‘function’, just like tumors have, and yes, apoB is the equivalent of a tumor of the brain and the heart.