My biological age is 11 years older!

PhenoAge made my biological age 77, although I am only 66. I’m totally freaked out, although I have had CFS for the last 40 years so I’m not exactly healthy. Has anyone else had a much higher biological age and been able to bring it down to their real age or lower? And how? And in how long? Thank you.


@Alex_Barton Be sure not to react too strongly to this pseudo marker of aging. At best it works at a population level. It might not be right for you. Still, if the test pointed at organs that need attention, give them attention.

I don’t use these tests because I don’t want that maybe true / maybe not true info floating around in my head.


A lot depends on which biomarkers are out of kilter and why. For example an infection can boost CRP temporarily, but this only means an infection has happened.


Age clocks are for the most part worthless.


We need to see the individual biomarker values to be able to make comments about them.

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Correct. On Levine’s ‘clock’ the metrics Ive noted having the largest effect on my phenotypic age are albumin (lower is bad) and RCDW (higher is bad). CRP less so. A while back I had a low ferritin, was a bit anaemic and my compensatory increase in RCDW cost me a few years

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Hi, Thanks. Here are my individual biomarkers …
Albumin 39, ALK, 28, Creatinine 55, Glucose 91, CRP 0.3, Lymph 41%, MCV 94.1, RDW 13.9, WBC 4.2

Those look reasonably good. Do you have the spreadsheet result. It may be that there is a confusion of units. What units do you have creatinine in?

It looks like you are using USA units for Glucose, but 55 looks more like a micromoles per litre figure. (SI)

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Oops. Scrap the biomarker values … I’ve messed up on the maths what with converting UK to US figures. Actually, it seems I’m only 54 … 12 years younger !!! :grin: :grin:


That’s why it is good to give the figures. Now you know it is only an issue of conversion from SI to USA then there is much less to worry about.

Additionally ALK I think is probably ALP. That is normally in the same units for USA and SI.

If your kidney function is creatinine 55 that is quite good as is ALP 28.

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That’s good to know.

PhenoAge is usually much less than your real age. In fact, I’m not aware of anyone whose PhenoAge is higher than their chronological age (on this board). I guess there must be some really unhealthy individuals that balance us out.

Maybe it’s these guys: McDonald's Fan Club



You reduced your age from 77 to 54 in a mere six hours - a powerful anti-aging regimen! :smiley:


:smile: :smile: :smile: I can recommend it!


Sorry to hear that. I had mine done by David Sinclair’s company. At that time I was 69 years old, with very little gray hair. (It is mostly still brown.) Most people think I’m 10 years younger than my age. I’ve been meditating every day for 40 years, exercise every day and eat incredibly well. Sinclair’s “clock“ estimated that I was 75. Utter BS. My functional medicine MD said that was a crazy result. I will no longer trust David Sinclair, who I used to admire