MtorC2 long term inhibition

Dear Friends,

I have seen this articles when they talk about MtorC2 long term inhibition and loss due to long term use of Rapamycine :frowning:


It seems like whoever made all the observations in the above posted link does not understand that inhibiting mTOR extends the lifespan and healthspan of mice.



If your are this concerned about mTORC2 pathway. You should review all of David Sabatini work, paper’s, book{“the” book* on TOR] and his video interviews.

For those who do not know David. Sabatini is the “mTOR Master,” he is the person who basically discovered/defined mTOR’s pathway’s

  • TOR: Target of Rapamycin (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 279) 2004th Edition

There is a PDF copy of his book on this site, as I shamelessly posted it.


AIUI mTORC2 itself is insensitive to rapamycin, but if you use rapamycin chronically then in inhibiting mTOR and mTORC1 fewer mTORC2 are created which has the same effect.

The paper referred to in the article referenced in the OP does not AFAICS actually test mice using Rapamycin. They bred mice without mTORC2 and those mouse had issues and they also tested mice.

Hence I wonder where either the article or linked paper take us. The article appears to be written from an anti Rapamycin perpective.

It would be interesting to know to how much Rapamycin is needed over what period of time to reduce the number of mTORC2 created.


Contact David Sabatini and ask, he is not that difficult to contact.


I have emailed him. …


Thanks a Lot., Jhon I AM going to check it

Thanks a Lot Joseph is a good info