Metformin as a Geroprotector (Attia / Huberman)

But you are pre diabetic, right?

My last HbA1c was 5.8%. Since then Iā€™ve started metformin and berberine.

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Keep in mind that these days, most primary care physicians are salaried employees of large groups, and health care systems. There is no reward system or kick backs. They treat patients based on current standard of care. Unfortunately, the includes only limited preventative medicine.

A much larger problem is the insurance industry which doesnā€™t pay for much preventative care.


True, Iā€™m not targeting just doctorā€™s with my comment; the entire system is ā€œfee for serviceā€ - so the same is true for the insurance and hospitals, etc. (the Medical/Industrial complex, as they say)ā€¦ They are all incentivized to want you as sick as possible, as long as possible, and to get as many treatments as possible. Admittedly, for the insurance companies, their incentive is to pay for as few services as possible, while maintaining the insurance incomeā€¦ so a different balance, but still counterproductive in many ways. Its changingā€¦ with chargebacks for readmitances to hospitals, etc., but still a long way to go.


Might be relevant

More Studies on Metformin and Survival - SENS Research Foundation

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Isnā€™t this amazing enough in and of itself?

Having type 2 diabetes (T2D) robs a 50-year-old person of six years of life expectancy compared to a person who doesnā€™t have the disease, and simply lowering a diabeticā€™s blood sugar down to the low end of the diabetic range only claws back about four of those lost years.

However given the above itā€™s best to think of Metformin as a tool to keep your blood sugar levels from getting into the diabetic range. I take both Metformin and Acarbose as my blood sugar is in a pre diabetic range. Probably due to Rapamycin. This is why Rapamycin plus Metformin or Acarbose works so well in mouse studies.

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Listening to this episode, my ears perked up when Peter mentioned that he is taking an SGLT2i based on how well it did in the ITP studies. I guess itā€™s probably canagaflozin. Not sure if that has been mentioned anywhere.

Edit: itā€™s mentioned at about 1:15:00 in the video


I have always heard that empagliflozin was a better SGLT2i? What about dapagliflozin? Iā€™m probably going to add one to my stack. Thoughts from the crowd as to which one is best?

Cana is what was used in ITP and showed longevity.

I think it also may have more SGLT1inhibition than the others. So if SGLT1 was needed for mammalian longevity effects the others may not be better or even do well as they if I understand it correctly have SGLT2i without much/any SGLT1i


Define ā€œbestā€ in this case? Its hard because the ITP data is only based on canagliflozin use in their study, so we really donā€™t know if there was anything unique about canagliflozin itself, or if all ā€œflozinsā€ work the same and have equal (or better) efficacy.

For me - empagliflozin worked better and had fewer side effects, but your mileage may vary.


Hi @John_Hemming apologies for tracking down an old post, but Iā€™m very keen on boosting mitochondrial health. I take uralithin-a and have been following with much interest your citrate hypothesis (even going as far as visiting and reading your well curated website).

I have also been taking white willow bark extract.

I wanted to ask which hdac inhibitor you would recommend? I had been taking 3 grams daily of Royal jelly, but that works out quite expensive every month (approx Ā£100 per monthā€¦.)

Your input would be greatly appreciated. And of course will not be treated as ā€œmedical adviceā€ :blush:

Also, if there is a generic medicine that I could purchase from India (that makes my hair grow back and eliminates all wrinkles) even better :blush::pray:

Thank you.

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I use a number of HDAC inhibitors. My basic set is pterostilbine, curcumin, berberine and quercetin, but it take others as well. To get the complete list I have to check my records.

I donā€™t know anything about white willow bark extract.

I do take a royal jelly extract, but it is quite a weak HDAC inhibitor so I am not sure it is much use unless your diet is like 80% royal jelly.


Thank you.

White willow bark extract extends lifespan in yeast by 500% (primarily through increasing mitochondrial efficiency)

We have recently found that PE21, an extract from the white willow Salix alba , slows chronological aging and prolongs longevity of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae more efficiently than any of the previously known pharmacological interventions. Here, we investigated mechanisms through which PE21 delays yeast chronological aging and extends yeast longevity. We show that PE21 causes a remodeling of lipid metabolism in chronologically aging yeast, thereby instigating changes in the concentrations of several lipid classes. We demonstrate that such changes in the cellular lipidome initiate three mechanisms of aging delay and longevity extension. The first mechanism through which PE21 slows aging and prolongs longevity consists in its ability to decrease the intracellular concentration of free fatty acids. This postpones an age-related onset of liponecrotic cell death promoted by excessive concentrations of free fatty acids. The second mechanism of aging delay and longevity extension by PE21 consists in its ability to decrease the concentrations of triacylglycerols and to increase the concentrations of glycerophospholipids within the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. This activates the unfolded protein response system in the endoplasmic reticulum, which then decelerates an age-related decline in protein and lipid homeostasis and slows down an aging-associated deterioration of cell resistance to stress. The third mechanisms underlying aging delay and longevity extension by PE21 consists in its ability to change lipid concentrations in the mitochondrial membranes. This alters certain catabolic and anabolic processes in mitochondria, thus amending the pattern of aging-associated changes in several key aspects of mitochondrial functionality.


why not just take aspirin then? better quality control than supplement?

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In the UK the NHS has many faults, but has at least one thing going for it in that primary care doctors are incentivized to keep you healthy with preventative interventions. Subject to slow to change guidelines and protocols of course.

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We find our local UK NHS GP to still have aspects which are illness targeted rather than health targeted. For example in terms of getting action to prevent illness they wish to wait until there is the predicted illness.

I think the active ingredient for lifespan increase isnā€™t the aspirin.

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You may be right. What do you think the active ingredient is?

So apparently, salicin.

@John_Hemming and @medaura its primarily PE21 if I understood the previous article correctly