MCT oil for Brain Health

Apologies if this is covered elsewhere, but I’m interested in all your views on this…
I’m newly interested in using MCT oil for brain health. I know lots of people use it for immediate benefit. I’m thinking of the long term benefits. My thinking is that if giving the brain a keto energy boost is helpful in Alzheimer’s. Then using it as an occasional prophylactic for healthy brains will also be beneficial in preventing plaque build up and other dysfunction.
Does any one use mct oil regularly? Or have any views. My plan is to occasionally drop 15ml of mct 8 oil in my morning coffee.

Yes, I have a couple of tablespoons per day. As we age, many people also develop some insulin resistance in the brain, reducing available glucose usage. MCT or other ketogenic measures will drive ketones into the brain, which are used preferentially as a source of energy and largely restore age-related energy deficits. That’s my understanding from Dom D’agostino podcasts. The usual tolerable levels for digestive upset are 60g/day, but it is individual.

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Am I the only one that can’t take that much? More than a tsp (5ml) makes my heart flutter and it irritates the hell out of me. I can do it several times per day but not more than 1 tsp.

I used MCT oils, primarily C8, in my morning coffee for about a year. Unfortunately, my body didn’t seem to like MCT oil, and I had loose stools with any significant dose. In the end, I didn’t feel any subjective benefits, but I do believe it has benefits for those who can tolerate a therapeutic dose.

I take roughly a tablespoon every day - haven’t noticed anything positive or negative but hoping it helps to keep the neuro degeneration away.

MCT oil is a quick but not very efficient way to produce ketones and all the benefits of MCT oil come from those ketones.
You will get higher ketones levels with ketone salts and even more with ketone esters.

That said the best way to have ketones is to eat low carbs and be in a ketogenic mode all the time. I did found out that being in ketosis is really good for cognition without any of the dips you get with glucose or exogenous ketones.


Does MCT, being a saturated fat, raise ApoB?


What dose in milligrams if taking the supplement form of MCT Oil would you recommend for brain health?

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Yes good point. It doesn’t seem to impact ldl-c but it has an impact on triglycerides! (If 15ml taken everyday.)
I’m wondering (because my blood lipids are pretty good) whether to take it intermittently. My slightly hazy logic is that I’d like to fast every few weeks but can’t be bothered. And so am trying to replicate some of the benefits of a fast through rapamycin and maybe MCT oil. Giving a regular mtor inhibition + brain ketones boost.

This is the study showing the cognitive benefits + triglyceride down side.

Any thoughts?

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I am not taking MCT oil at present, but have in the past.
I tried pretty much all forms and settled on MCT C8 oil powder.
How it is made into a powder is beyond me and it works well in coffee
The recommended dose of 10 grams daily did not cause any digestive effects.
My pure speculation is that the MCT oil in powder form takes longer to digest than the liquid form, so it does not upset the digestive tract. MCT oil more than 1 tbsp always gave me diarrhea

You can get the powdered forms of MCT from various sources on Amazon:

The strongest evidence supports MCT oil compositions containing both caprylic (C8) and capric (C10) fatty acids, particularly ratios of 55:35 C8:C10 ([3]) and 30:70 C8:C10 ([2]). Both C8- and C10-rich forms can provide ketones to the brain

“Caprylic Acid (C8)
Caprylic acid makes up about 50-80% of coconut oil.
It is rapidly absorbed and transported to the liver to be used for energy.
C8 crosses the blood-brain barrier easily to provide the brain with energy.
Studies show C8 may improve memory, focus, and brain health.
Capric Acid (C10)
Capric acid makes up about 5-10% of coconut oil.
Like C8, it is rapidly used by the body for energy.
C10 also crosses the blood-brain barrier and supports neuron health.
Research indicates C10 may improve alertness and slow cognitive decline.”

The cited article used C8:C10 ratio of 30:70
I can find no supporting literature supporting a particular ratio and I can find no literature testing one ratio to another.

“MCT ingestion improved cognitive performance after 2-3 weeks, with minimal difference between taking 12 g and 18 g MCT/day groups, suggesting a possible dose-response threshold at 12 g MCT/day when supplementing over a short period.”


I’m wondering what is the best source for ketones as far as $/ketone. Would it be MCT or one of the salts? What is the equivalent dose of MCT vs ketone salt?

I had the same issue with digestion complications with MCT. I found that if I drink a full glass of water and then wait 30 minutes before having my coffee my stomach is much better off. I have read this is common in Japan.