Magnesium Recommendations

Does anyone have a magnesium supplement they really like? I’m running out of mine and need to buy more. TIA


Advanced Orthomolecular Research{AOR]

Cardio Mag 2.0

This is fully-reacted magnesium orotate. Other magnesium orotates are not fully-reacted, carefully read the product information.


I was unfamiliar with what “reacted” would mean in the context of a magnesium supplement, so I searched terms such as “reacted magnesium” and “fully-reacted magnesium” and the only result containing those words together is the product page of that particular magnesium supplement by AOR. There are also only three articles with “reacted” and “magnesium” in the title on pubmed, and none have them together. As far as I can tell, “fully reacted” and “reacted magnesium” do not indicate anything meaningful in the context of a magnesium supplement.


I posted ;

…“fully-reacted magnesium orotate. Other magnesium orotates are not fully-reacted”…

Fully-reacted magnesium orotate.

Not magnesium supplement as you stated.

You may not have mentioned the word supplement, but you did write “Cardio Mag 2.0”, which is a magnesium orotate supplement sold by AOR, the supplement company that is mentioned in your comment. It is possible that by “fully-reacted” they are saying their magnesium orotate simply contains magnesium orotate, meaning the salt of magnesium reacted with orotic acid, but this is a fairly low bar, as this is what one would expect. There is also no information provided on their site on lab testing of their magnesium orotate, or other magnesium orotates (to prove their dubious claim that others are selling magnesium orotate that is not “fully-reacted”), so the statement of being “fully-reacted” is meaningless as it lacks any backing.


There was a notification in that this was your first activity in the forum, and I just wanted to thank hou for putting so much thought and effort into your response.


My naturopath doc recommends Pure Encapsulation magnesium glycinate 1 3times a day.


I’ve done a fair bit of reading and trialing of magnesium and have not found a huge difference in forms, as long as one avoids oxide.

For capsules, my best bang-for-buck and high-absorption compromise is Dr’s Best Magnesium Glycinate. Main downside is that it’s a bit rough and harder for some to swallow.

My other two mags are KAL Magnesium Malate, and Bulk Supplement’s Magnesium Citrate. The Mag citrate in powder form is easily the cheapest bioavailable magnesium and one of the ingredients in my homemade electrolite drinks.


FWIW: I have tried all of the forms at one time or another and I keep coming back to magnesium glycinate. One because it is easy on my gut and two it helps me towards my daily goal of 8 grams of glycinate.


I apply magnesium oil to my skin after showering.

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I remember that Peter Attia went quite deep into this.

For example this may be helpful:

A deep dive into magnesium supplementation, and Peter’s personal protocol [time stamp 55:30]

And in a very recent one he discussed especially the form that passes the blood brain barrier

Supplements: theracurmin, cocoa flavonols, and magnesium L-threonate [time stamp, 1:25:15]


Yes, I use magnesium l-threonate as recommended in the video I posted above.


Maybe its not the answer you’re looking for, but I use nuts & cocoa. Its healthy, rich in Mg and its taste is better then any supplement.


BiOptimizers makes a magnesium supplement that includes all 7, yes 7, types of magnesium. It’s great! There are a lot of brands selling crushed up rocks out there. Don’t be fooled. BiOptimizers makes an effective supplement that helps support thousands of functions in the body. Magnesium is definitely one of the most important minerals our body needs. Good luck!


I had to go check this out and wasn’t disappointed. Thank you.

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Glucinate is the best type.

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Label Information
The magnesium orotate in AOR’s Cardio Mag 2.0 is fully-reacted, unlike most products which are food-grade mixtures of orotic acid with inorganic magnesium salts. This true magnesium orotate combines two compounds important for optimal cardiovascular function.*
Cardio Mag 2.0 | Advanced Orthomolecular Research Inc.



Yes, the copy below is from the manufacturer/ distributor;

Q: What Does “Fully Reacted” Magnesium Mean?

A: Every magnesium (Mg) supplement is a compound of Mg (the cation) and a salt or amino acid (the anion). Just having elemental Mg in a supplement is not possible since it is unstable and therefore must in a compound. “Fully reacted” refers to the chemical process of creating a particular magnesium compound. For example, magnesium oxide (MgO) is added to citric acid to create magnesium citrate. The goal is to “fully react” both substances to create a greater then 99% Mg and the salt or amino that is on the label. In theory, a fully reacted Mg compound is 100% pure and contains only the magnesium stated on the label but the reality is that the chemical reaction still leaves a small amount of residual MgO but it should be less then 1%. The unfortunate reality is that many magnesium products still contain a larger % of MgO because it has NOT been fully reacted despite what the labels states. Look for a fully reacted Mg from a reputable supplement maker to ensure you are getting the highest quality and purest Mg.