Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

I use it for Lyme disease complications and get it from compounding pharmacies. Here’s an interesting story on a long COVID treatment: 2 over-the-counter drugs reduce "brain fog" from COVID - Big Think


Thanks. I’ll follow your advice.

As an update, I’ve been taking 1.5mg for 7 days. I take it around 9pm, and I haven’t felt anything yet. I have slept better, according to Oura as well as my own subjective feeling of having slept deeply. I don’t notice anything related to pain yet. I’ll be graduating to 3mg in a few days.


why are you taking LDN?

For sleep enhancement, with fingers crossed on other possible benefits.

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what are your sleep stacks?

Melatonin, ashwagandha, glycine, theanine, jujube extract.

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One very good sleep aid for staying asleep longer is l-serine at 2-4 grams right before you go to bed.


Thanks. Just ordered some.

I’m holding off on LDN for a bit as I observe the effects of rapa (5 weeks in) and increased insomnia is one of my side effects.

I’ve started a sleep protocol of powdered GABA, collagen, L-theanine, and IP6 mixed into some melted dark chocolate. Plus magnesium malate. It’s knocked me out.

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Good stack. Regarding GABA, I find it inhibits my breathing. Weird, huh?

Never noticed that. It’s so individual. It’s been a stressful week, and late yesterday I took 100 mg of some 5-HTP Plus I had hanging around, to relax. I felt like I’d been dosed. I even had double vision for half an hour. It passed, but yikes.

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music to my ear! currently day 3 on 1.5mg


I found for the first 2 years LDN was brilliant for me, helped with my depression/P.T.S.D improved kidney function, improved energy and focus, improved inflammation tremendously, but now has the oppossite effect on energy and depression.I have tried upping and lowering doses but cant seem to find that sweet spot again and I so want that sweet spot back, I was rambling cross country several times a week, anything up to 30 miles, but now lucky if I can find the motivation to do 10 miles once a month. SSRIs did nothing and I have been on half dozen or so over the years but if any effect it was very short lived, so much so I was even given rTMS , 34 treatments which would have cost £5,000 but being English the NHS covered it, which is not something they often do. So yes LDN is great for a lot of things but also some may just be temporary, still use it on and off as it keeps the aches and pains away and I believe helps a bit with my menieres disease.


Are you currently taking rapamycin? Being naive when I first started rapamycin, I took to heart that the highest possible dose of rapamycin without adverse side effects was the way to go. So, I started out with 20 mg of rapamycin with grapefruit juice. The only negative side effect was some diarrhea. So, I titrated down gradually. But, after a few months, all of my aches and pains went away. Before rapamycin, I found Boswellia serrata, (frankincense), which is a very good anti-inflammatory, took away some joint pain, especially in the knee.

Have been on rapa 4 months @ 6mg weekly, noticed nothing but a little energy lift lasting only the day taken… have 4 months supply left and will probably not order anymore if no noticeable effect, my bloods were mostly very vrry good when checked the month before starting rapa, so if any have gone the wrong wat when checked at end of this month, I will prob give up on rapa altogether…

Try going off the LDN for a few months (I did 6 off) and restart at 2.5 mg. Maybe the body builds up a tolerance?

I only use intermittenly now, as it helps with aches and pains when they start to flare up but it still leaves me feeling quite lethargic.

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Update on LDN. I’m on day 19. Now at 3.0mg. I switched to morning because I started waking up at 3am and didn’t sleep well afterwards. Now I am sleeping great again. I slept through the night without a bathroom visit 2 nights in a row. I’ll be moving up to 4.5mg in 2 days. Knee pain seems down a bit. No other noticeable effects


It is one of the two ingredients in the weight loss drug “Contrave.” The other is buipropion (Wellbutrin). The Contrave dose is much higher though.