Longevity Intervention Database: All ITP and CIPT lifespan data in one place

It’s time to fill the Longevity Intervention Database (LID) with more data. Last time I added all the mice data from the ITP (Intervention Testing Program) to it. This is unique because now we have one place where all that data is gathered in a structured way in one place. Now it’s time to take the next step and add all the CITP (Caenorhabditis Intervention Testing Program) data to the database. The CIPT is like the ITP but the testing is done in worms instead of in mice. So now we also have that data in the Longevity Intervention Database! Here is the link to the Longevity Intervention Database (LID)



Here Rapamycin + Rifampicin + Allantoin extends lifespan in C Elegans by 89% (not CITP but Wormbot):

34:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EgfN8b1PhA

It also extended lifespan of fruit flies


Big thanks for this video! I have seen the paper but I did not know it was Jan Gruber who was behind this. I will try to contact him. Again big thanks!

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