LMNT - another health guru trips over his lies

I always respected Robb Wolf for his work on paleo and jeto diets as well as cross-fit. I had my doubts when he founded a supplement company. Now comes this embarrassing exposé: the suppkement, which promised “no dodgy ingredients,” was found to contain large amounts of maltodextrin that were not disclosed on the label.

Watch video here:


His response to this issue:

Today, we use a range of 250–550mg (approximately 1/10th of a teaspoon) of maltodextrin as a flavor carrier. The maltodextrin used in LMNT is gluten-free, GMO-free, and derived from corn. While we highlight and examine maltodextrin in this article, it’s not included on our labels because it’s a flavor carrier rather than an added ingredient. We continue to listen to our community on their personal health journeys and are in the process of evaluating other flavor carriers.

Many folks ask me whether the maltodextrin in LMNT will increase blood sugar levels. I have personally tested myself on a Continuous Glucose Monitor and have never seen a blood sugar increase when drinking LMNT — I believe because the maltodextrin is such a small amount. Other folks in our community have said the same. I encourage you to test it yourself, and to always make your own choices when it comes to your health.

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This is non-issue issue.

Personally, I have a problem with those who are sensationalizing this as some earth-shattering revelation and suspect they are in this for the clickbait bump in views.


It depends whether it is declared.


Ask your health gurus why people with genetically lifelong low LDL cholesterol (natural randomization, risk factor independence, causality) are protected from heart disease.

Be prepared for some interesting mental gymnastics.

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I thought it was mandatory to list all ingredients on the label - whether a flavor carrier or not. Is this not the case in the US?