Lithium Carbonate

The Dr who prescribes Rapamycin for me also prescribes Prednisone for Adrenal Insufficiency. I have developed Osteoporosis. I switched to Hydro-cortisone and now he is giving me Lithium to help my bones. He has me taking 150 mgs of Lithium Carbonate per day, which lists a lot of scary side effects. I have read on this site about people taking Lithium at much smaller doses, but it is Lithium Orotate.

Does anyone know the difference? Is it safe to take with Hydro-C and Rapamycin?


(NB I’m not a (medical) doctor)

That’s about 30mg elemental. It should be roughly equivalent to the same amount from oratate or other salt, although some say that carbonate is less available. Which is the high end of doses packaged as supplements. This is far less than the psychiatric dose range, so shouldn’t risk those side effects in healthy folks.

There are several things that can influence excretion rates for lithium, notably kidney function. I don’t think rapamycin has much effect. You can get your doctor to run through these with you.

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That is helpful, Lost. Thanks.