Japanese scientists find process enhancing longevity in mole rats


The source research paper (paywall):

Yoshimi Kawamura et al, Cellular senescence induction leads to progressive cell death via the INK4a‐RB pathway in naked mole‐rats, The EMBO Journal (2023). DOI: 10.15252/embj.2022111133


The gist of the paper seems to be that the NMR can cleanse senescent cells much more effectively and that leads to longer life.

Rapamycin and other senomorphics also prevent senescent cell formation. Could longer lifespan be as simple as this? My gut says yes, but there’s probably more to it.

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Could longer lifespan be as simple as this?

Study says otherwise.

“Further studies focusing on the senescent cell removal mechanism in NMR tissues are needed to understand which kind of senescent cells should be removed, when, and how. Such studies may aid the development of safer and targeted senolytic drugs,” says Prof. Miura while discussing future steps.

Would be harmful to remove senescent cells that are involved in wound healing.

Not removing, but prevention using senomorphics.

Senolytics remove senescent cells after they form. Senomorphics prevent senescent cells from forming. Senolytics have the risk of removing ‘good’ senescent cells, but senomorphics don’t have that problem as much. Although we do know that Rapamycin does inhibit wound healing probably through this function.