Is anyone here in the UK taking rapamycin for longevity - if so how did you get it?

You should be able to easily get back to page you left just by hitting the back button on your browser, or phone.

yes you can but its better if another tab opens then you have both to flick between

Do you visit the site primarily on your phone or tablet, or on a computer?

Primarily my computer

Then you can Ctrl-click the link on a PC or Cmd-click the link on a Mac, and it will open in another tab. I do that routinely everywhere when I want to keep the present page open. You also can right-click a link and choose “Open link on new tab”. That will work every time.


I didn’t get a response from Adam for some reason…waiting for a response to his facebook page now…

Ordered and paid for 100 1mg tablets, 10 stripes
Rapacam, Sirolimus on 24th May 2022.
RL PHARMA & NIBA Healthcare.
Cost : $78
Shipping : $36
Total: $114.
Paid vĂ­a
Arrived in London this morning 1st June 2022.
8 days in total!


Its asking for business name and address were they ok with you being an individual or did you have to make something up?

It seems really cheap…how do people make sure they are buying the real thing?

Made nothing up, individual and very straight forward.

You will need to have It tested at a lab, very expensive.

I wouldn’t worry about counterfeit medications when buying sirolimus… if they are going to go to the trouble of counterfeiting a drug it will be an expensive one still on-patent, not one selling for $1/mg like sirolimus.

People have done tests on Biocon and zydus sirolimus - you can see results here in this post.


When you paid inhousepharma did you have to pay any charges to their bank? They are asking me to select ‘sender pays receivers bank charges’

I just paid with American Express… In fact I got a card especially for that purpose.

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Please could you share his email with me? Thanks!

The friend who prescribed me rapamycin also has a UK license. I could ask if he is willing to prescribe, though he said he was in the process of registering in the UK and preferably didn’t want to prescribe weird off label drugs until he got his re-registration

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All the info is here

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It would certainly be great if he could!

Did you get a response from Adam? I had a conversation with him a little over a month ago and he’s gone silent since despite some follow up attempts on my part. My view is it’s a lost cause as I really dislike having to chase any service provider excessively, particularly when they come with a not insignificant price tag

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I have seen him active on Twitter. Maybe try contacting him there

Check out Adam Bataineh on Twitter.
MD MSc interested in longevity medicine | Cofounder @Span_health (acquired by @EightSleep) | Oncology specialist registrar @NHSuk

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