Interstitial Cystitus-overactive bladder

Greetings, new user, I started Rapamycin about 1 month ago (6mg week).

I have always had a problematic bladder, what they call interstitial cystitis and overactive bladder. I feel a change in urination especially on day 1 and 2 of my dosage. I believe the IC may be improving, but no relief yet regarding the overactive bladder (or urgency). I would be happy if either symptom was reduced. Anyone else have overactive bladder?


Is this still helping with your IC? I’ve had IC for 20 years and it’s getting worse. I’m open to trying anything to help. Thanks!

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"Intravesical dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) for interstitial cystitis—a practical approach"

Interstitial cystitis is not a disease of aging. I am not sure how rapamycin may help here.

There is a good number of proposed treatments, none of them great.

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Because Rapamycin is a cure all.

I have added daily D mannose (2000mg) . My IC always resulted in UTI’s. Must take daily. I have not had a UTI for over 1 year. You can get the powder in bulk from

Dr Wright, a great resource.

I hope you are being facetious.

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Very much so. I feel bad for anyone with a difficult health problem, but I am also troubled by how many people turn to Rapamycin to fix anything and everything.

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