Inflammation drives impairment of hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and accelerated aging

Hey @desertshores you still playing with MB? I ordered some to try out. Could use some cognitive help. Feel a little brainy foggy.

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Yes, I am still using methylene blue for its many benefits including anti-viral qualities.
As for helping brain fog, everyone’s different. Won’t hurt to try it.


Got mine today. @desertshores recommended dose is 1ml. 20 drops. Is it okay to start with that in your opinion?

Yes, that is the dosage I use. 20 drops = 1 ml on the dropper.

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FWIW I am really digging Methylene Blue. This has easily jumped to top 10 if not top 5 of my stack. I feel better, mind sharper, energy etc. @desertshores i have read some suggest taking two days off a week and a break for a week every 8 weeks or so. Do you do this?


I have an ATP boosting stack which includes MB. I cycle this. So far my maximum is 8 days.


Yes, but the promoters on YouTube, etc. seem to suggest every day.


After some reading and listening to podcasts I added a couple of things to improve Methylene Blue’s effectiveness. 1/ Asorbic Acid (aka Vit C) taken at time of MB, increases absorption. 2/ Red light therapy after dose. Apparently they are synergistic. So, I tried the two modifications this morning. Whoa. I felt like I had a double espresso in terms of energy. I am not sure it is possible to feel your ATP buzzing but it sure felt like it. I’ll
try again tomorrow and see if I acclimatize.


What dose did you use?

I was taking Methylene blue for over a year. The last couple of months were at 200 mg daily. Not sure if it was just the MB, but I had some stomach issues and vomited blue a couple of times.

Anyhow, I have been off it for a little over a month and will probably start back at a lower daily dosage soon. The stomach issues have resolved.

I recently read that taking vitamin C with your MB will keep your urine from being blue. It’s supposed to promote conversion to the colorless reduced form (leucomethene blue) Has anyone else heard this?

Update: I just tried MB with VitC 500mg (twice daily)and it was only partially effective at reducing the urine color.

I used 1 ml 20 drops

Paul Moss, I’m sure you’ve investigated the point at which methylene blue changes from being beneficial to being dangerously harmful. My research, limited as it may be, mentioned the very safest range was no more than 1 mg per kg of body weight. If you have more data on the safe upper limit I would like to hear it. For me, I found no benefit after three trials. So, I don’t use it any more.

Mixing vitamin C powder with liquid methylene blue will convert it to leucomethylene blue which is clear. Stir and let it sit for a while for this to take place. It doesn’t take much vitamin C, but it does take a bit of experimentation to get the right mixture. The benefit is less of a blue tongue, otherwise probably no benefit. No, it will not keep urine from being blue.

This link may be useful if you have not already seen it: Dosing with Methylene Blue

You’ve likely seen this excellent summary, but if not here it is:

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Urine colour depends upon urine pH. I say this from my personal experience whilst taking MB (which I am not at the moment - but the reason for that is cycling not that I won’t take it in the future).

I think it is clearly something where under 1mg/kg is sensible. I am going for 0.5mg/kg

Thank you for your recommendation. When I researched the dosage range for Methylene Blue, I found a dosage range that was quite broad. 200mg was the upper end of the range that I found. And I stayed well below that for several months. Then I finally decided to try what I read to be the upper end of the dosage range.

Now, from personal experience, I think that your upper dosage of 1mg per kg seems to be more reasonable, despite what I read. Fortunately, there weren’t any serious negative effects other than an amazing blue mess in and on the toilet bowl. And fortunately, it wasn’t in view of anyone either. Lol
Thank you for the links too, Jay

I tried MB again last night with Vitamin C. While my urine color was a lighter shade of aqua, it was still colored.

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Urine mb colour depends on urine ph


I’m doing a podcast episode on methylene blue with Dr Scott Sherr. Send questions.

I’ve heard him speculate that the urine color might be a way to titrate dosing. Bright blue urine = too much MB. No blue in urine = too little. Target a light blue (or green) urine.

He also thinks very low doses are best for everyday (actually 5 days a week) usage. 8-16mg. But situations vary…lots of stress, poor sleep, illness, etc? Use more.


The bitterness of Methylene blue is not easy to disguise when taken all at once.

However, by adding 4 or 5 drops to your coffee, to lemonade, to a smoothie, one can take it throughout the day without noticing it.

Further, by adding a drop or two of liquid ascorbic acid at the same time, and assuming a 6 fold absorption increase in MB, it is easy to reach the 8-16mg goal by the end of the day.

Question 1: What does he think of this approach?
Question 2: What biomarkers are expected to improve as a result of beneficial effects of MB?


Great questions thanks.

When I was in doing chelation there was an oriental woman across from me getting MB IV. They had the drip running wide open and when one bag ran out they stuck on another, wide open. She wore a red light vest and arms which I overheard them say should activate the MB and make it work. My question is “what were they doing?” You don’t have to ask, I’m just wondering for anybody to answer. Why does she want so much at once? Does this seem right? Lol, everybody was nervous and it didn’t seem appropriate to ask.


@Bicep It will come up because red light and MB stack very well according to many experts. I do it also but can’t tell anything from the combination.

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