(IMPORTANT) SGLT inhibitors are not a substitute for Acarbose

There are more and less reliable brands. Often if a supplement seems to cheap to be true it is. Some molecules are more expensive to produce.

The particular cons I have seen have tended to be cheap NMN on Amazon. They should be banned, but they are not.

What I do is find suppliers that are reliable. In part this is by measuring the impact of the supplement (where possible which is not always the case).

What brands are fraudulent? I bought both NR and NMN on Amazon.

Just commenting a very simple solution; Don’t eat carbs??? We experimented with all sorts of diets, listening to our bodies cries for one thing or another, some addictive self medications (sugar), some cries for nutrition…

First nutrient dense, then keto and whats best for us is carnivor. My wife wears a Levels CGM, not due to type II diabeties but to stay in ketosis. Her blood sugar on good days is a flat 70. Can be 80. A spike re our diet she miight spike to 110. I eat the same and take ALOT more berberine, cinnimon, curcumin, ALA (2 pages of stuff including rapa, senalytics) and my periodic blood tests are decent; 91 fasting gc.

Yes a agree that some folks just can’t switch off good fruit. My wife has berry cravings; blueberry, blackberry. We keep them in the fridge, 5-10/day… No spike for her. I hate fruit, sugar, cake (yuck) so Its easy for me to offer easy to say, hard for some to do; rid yourself of carbs… I agree.

Best of lluck, curt

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The groups of people with the longest lifespan according to research ate - among others - high amounts of carbs with some fish or a bit of meat. From the Okinawans to the Adventists. We don’t have similar studies when it comes to a carnivore diet, as far as I’m aware. Someone here mentioned how ‘diet is a lot like religion’ and it’s absolutely true, so most of the times I try to avoid posting when I see discussions about diet. But I generally don’t understand how people interested in increasing lifespan then conclude a carnivore diet would be “best for us”. Where is the research supporting that suggestion?

On another note: the ITP studies do seem to suggest it may be a good thing to keep blood glucose levels in check, when it comes to lifespan. And there is research that discusses how the diet of the Okinowans had a low glycemic load - albeit they consumed quite a lot of carbs. So that is my personal approach also. But to thus suggest the carnivore diet would be “best for us”: I don’t understand that leap.


Totally agree, Sash!


Mine is on the list: Double Wood.

My experience of Double Wood is generally positive. Having a test result of 243/250 mg would not particularly worry me. Looking at the list there are quite a few suppliers that provide about the right proportion and a number which are con artists.

I don’t know what the percentage variation is that would be allowed by any regulatory system, but I would expect some tolerance of variation. Being too high can be an issue as well.


I’m currently in Turkey and now wondering, if I should get some glucobay. Would it be enough, to

  1. eat less carbs/ kalories?
  2. do some movement after a portion of carbs?

What exactly is the working mechanism of glucobay compares to 1&2? What makes glucobay better?

Thanks in advance and best regards!

If you haven’t already - I recommend reading this thread: Acarbose - Details On Another Top Anti-Aging Drug

In terms of the longevity effect - its hypothesized that the effect is due to the lowering of glucose spikes, but it may also be due to other factors (e.g. effects on the microbiome). So, we don’t know for sure whether a very low carb diet that flattens the glucose spike to the same level as acarbose, would have the exact same lifespan effect. No comparison studies have been done on this issue.


Nothing wrong with the Double Wood. If you look closely at the list and divide the actual amount of NMN by the advertised amount you will find Double Wood supplies 97+% of the claimed amount of NMN.

I find that reasonable.


Yes, not bad at all.

For me the gas definitely diminished with continued use. And I take a high dose (200 mg before dinner).

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I think the Dr is drawing conclusions about what extends lifespan from the ITP studies that is not clear cause and effect. What is the MOA? Are spikes of insulin with low levels between meals the greater harm or is a persistent higher level of insulin worse. More studies comparing these two cases needs to be done to understand this.
For me, rapa elevates my BG and Jardiance drops it into normal range. Is this good? Who knows but the side effects of Acarbose are too unbearable for me to take it.


I saw an article, where it said that acarbose increased Alanin-Aminotransferase and could lead to liver damage.

Any information on that?

This study?


Or this one?

mild symptomless increase in aminotransferase activity has only occasionally been reported without associated changes in other hepatic function tests.

As far as we are aware only one suspected case of clinically significant acarbose-induced hepatotoxicity has been reported in English-language publications


What kind of diet are you on, if I may ask? Apparently, people who are on a very low carb or keto do not suffer the gassiness and bloating that people on a vegetarian diet or who have a substantial amount of carbohydrates in their diets experience.
I have acarbose on order and haven’t started taking it yet. My diet is very low in carbohydrates and I don’t expect to experience too many unpleasant side effects. I decided to take acarbose to counterattack the rise in insulin resistance that accompanies taking rapamycin.
Apparently, acarbose extends lifespan even in those who are not even prediabetic.
Extension of the Life Span by Acarbose: Is It Mediated by the Gut Microbiota?.

Is there any reason to believe that acarbose would actually do anything helpful on a low-starch diet? If there are no carbs to inhibit, what’s the point? It makes sense that there are less or absent side effects under such conditions because nothing is happening (starchy carbs are absent, therefore they don’t get passed to the large intestine and fermented to produce gas and butyrate).

I first thought that acarbose may confer longevity through feeding the good bacteria in the colon, since they make the short chain fatty acids and it’s very important to feed these guys. We don’t eat enough fiber or complex sugars.

Then I read something on here about it causing mtor2 to go up. That would help a bunch if true. If you take Rapa and accidentally knock it down a little it could cause blood glucose to go up and that’s a problem. Acarbose boosting mtor 2 could help that, right?

I have not heard of anything else raising mtor 2 and it kept churning in my mind all day. I can’t find it now. Long days in the field.

One other detail, I find I have much less trouble over time with acarbose. I’m taking 50 now and don’t even notice.