"I Reversed My Age by a Decade"



Interesting, but it seems like it’s Biohacking 101. Mr. Gray’s an inspirational speaker that promotes diet, exercise, and a few novel longevity hacks (cold plunges/light therapy/etc…) These are all important and foundational, but hardly revolutionary. And their lineup of speakers for their event has no one that I’ve ever heard of before. It seems like a motivational piece that focuses on:

  1. Stop eating crap
  2. get some sleep
  3. Light therapy/cold plunges/etc…

Yes, all good stuff. Seems like he’s trying to build a brand and business here.


Did I miss something. He says he reversed his aging but I don’t see any age measurement before he started biohacking?

I find it rather useless if someone adds 20 interventions and then states they are healthier. Why? Which intervention worked? Which ones are useless or harmful?

Maybe I’ll measure my age, then start exercising, eating healthy, take all the supplements talked about here, and eat a Twinkie each day. Measure my age again and if I’m younger, I’ll attribute my new found health to the Twinkie.


I just starting a series of prospective age extension therapies at age 80 and took two age measurements as a starting point. I regularly eat plant-based foods, take metformin as a cancer preventive, and play singles tennis for 3-4 hours per week. The first measure I used was the Levine phenoage blood test which gave a believable 66 years as my physical age. The I took a more extensive age test based on cells scraped from the inside of my cheek offered by Tally Health. That gave a little less believable physical age of 87! I’ve now started Rapamycin from Agelessrx starting at 2 mg per week for the first month, the 4 mg per week for another month and then settling on 6 or 8 mg per week after that. I’ll report on the age measures at the end of the three month trial.


Don’t feel too bad. My father and I have had the exact same experience. Levine says we are doing great, and Tally and epigenetic tests have said the opposite. I’d like to believe Levine is the one to go with…

Rapamycin lowered my epigenetic age by 7 years, but it’s still higher than my chronological one.

My father leads the epitome of a healthy lifestyle - vegetarian, works out 3X a week, low stress, low BMI, happy and healthy and active retirement. Yet his epigenetic test results are shite.

I wouldn’t feel bad at all. It’s probably the tests.

Aging.ai gives the most flattering results. I really do not quite understand why, because it uses more markers including lipids. If you go down the rabbit hole at aging.ai, they also seem to have a much larger data base to compare to. Also, it is supposidly using Ai to keep tweaking its algorithms. The reason I think it has a more flattering epigentic age result, especially for older people, is because it does not ask you your age beforehand. Afterwords it asks your age to help increase the accuracy of future predictions. In any case, more markers, a larger database, and continually updating make it my preferred age predictor as it gives me more markers to follow.


I truly hope that aging.ai is correct as well, because it gives darn good results!

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I found aging.Ai to be worthless. I could change my age by 10 years just by starting or stopping certain meds. But then I think this whole age clock thing is silly.

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It’s silly until they get something that works.

Unfortunately, that process requires a lot of silliness until that happens.

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Sounds like Monty Python “all in favor of silliness, say aye.”


I’ve come to accept that Levine is more accurate because it includes age in the formula. Of course this means that the blood markers can only predict a variance around the actual age. A true biological age calculator would have to include more information than can be found in the blood or perhaps new blood markers. For now I won’t spend any money on biological age tests.

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The Aging.Ai calculator and the Levine-based calculator have moved closer in agreement over the past two years.



Aging.ai used to be 7 years younger than Levine for me. Now they match. I hope they’re both right. I want to be 35. Although I feel like 31.

But not right now. Right now I feel like sh@$#%… I need a nap.

When will I learn that I should decline the after-dinner “but sir it comes with your meal” cappuccino if I want to sleep that night?

Why do people drink cappuccinos after dinner anyway? It’s a conspiracy. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

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I posted my Trudiagnostic Epigenetic results (which are quite varied, but all reducing apart from DunedinPACE which itself is odd) on another thread.

I think there are some key biomarkers that are really good ones for attention. These include CRP, HbA1c and Cystatin-C. Obviously others are relevant. I wonder also about ferritin and SHBG.

I have tended to have problems with MCV mainly because of my binge drinking and consequential copper deficit, but I have taken it down by around 5 femtoLitres.

I tend not to use aging.ai simply because of the time it takes to put the data in. I prefer levine because of the better science, but have not used it for some time. Perhaps I will do this one again.