How to Stay Healthy Longer (ConsumerReports)

Mainstream information, but a good base to build on…

It’s not just about extending your life—it’s also about how to continue feeling good in the years ahead. Here, the head-to-toe tuneup that will help.

Well past ages 80 and 90, some people still haven’t slowed down.

They’re publishing books, entering bodybuilding competitions, earning degrees, racing boats, and socializing with family and friends who are decades younger.

While that used to be almost unthinkable, it’s becoming more common. Much of what we’ve learned about thriving in one’s later years is relatively recent knowledge. That’s because today, life expectancy is 26 years longer than it was in the 1950s.

And the longer you live, the longer you’re likely to keep on living: A baby born today in the U.S. has a life expectancy of about 76 years. Someone who has reached 40 is projected to live to almost 79, and a 60-year-old is expected to live to 82. If you’re 80 now, chances are you could live to nearly 89.


I read that article in the issue. Probably not much new for the folks here, but definitely words for the wise. Before doing a deep dive into the edgy stuff, do the basics: Eat a varied and healthy selection of foods, exercise, practice mindfulness, manage your weight and stress, don’t smoke, spend time in nature and moving, drink little, and do things with people you love. If we’re not doing all of that, the odds of Rapamycin being a magical elixir are infinitesimal.


I question who they used for their “medical expert”. In my opinion the statements about Metformin and Rapamycin were inaccurate.