How postbiotics could boost your health and even help reverse ageing


Nice. I take probiotics a step before postbiotics with great successā€¦ a chemist buddy told me to add it to my supplements.

Postbiotics Are the End Goal

So, if prebiotics are the fuel, probiotics are the workers, what does that make postbiotics in our factory? In simplest terms: the goods the factory is producing. ā€œThe hard work of the probiotics result in metabolites ā€” postbiotics,ā€ says Gans. Unlike probiotics, which are live bacteria, postbiotics contain the metabolites that they produce ā€” essentially one of the main reasons bacteria have a ā€˜jobā€™ and are so beneficial to your body,ā€ she says.

Getting postbiotics in your gut is the ultimate goal when eating or supplementing with probiotics. Postbiotics help support your gut microbiome, aiding immune and digestive health, all year round.

We periodically make yogurt from specific strain of l. reuteri with studies to support its benefits (itā€™s only available from Biogaia in a product called gastrus) Not l. reuteri are the same, the strain matters and normally not mentioned on the label which makes most probiotics seem scammy. My instant pot has a yogurt setting, makes it easy-peasy. Use ultra-pasteurized milk and skip the boil step.

Making yogurt gives you a n-fold increase in the bioactives. I save a bit in the freezer for future batches in the instant pot. Iā€™m looking forward to doing this again along with acarbose in hopes that my gut will be a factory of curated good guys. I make the yogurt with another one from Jarrow as well.

TLDR, make sure youā€™re consuming documented strains with proven benefits and make yogurt from them for cheap propagation with your own tasty yogurt.


The wheat belly doc makes some shaky-ish claims about the benefits of that l. reuteri strain. He does make a valid point though about strain importance: we have beneficial e. coli thriving in our guts, but eating the wrong strain can cause serious food poisoning, so clearly not all e.coli are the same.

The recipe is here. A helpful tip is to initially seed a smaller amount of milk - like a quart or pint (I use half and half), then after it starts to look like yogurt (around 8 hrs), add a half gallon of milk (or whatever sized batch you want) and go another 18-24 hrs. This has never failed me. The only failure Iā€™ve had is when Iā€™ve put the starting culture into a half gallon of milk and it gave the bad guys enough time to outcompete the desired culture.


Dr. William Davis MD{the wheat belly doctor] comments, statements on lactobacillus reuteri are based on many published papers.

One overview paper;

Role of Lactobacillus reuteri in Human Health and Diseases


Yes he gives plenty of solid advice, but Iā€™m not so sure it makes me love my spouse more :smiley: . He does claim it produces oxytocin and leads to lean mass improvements, but Iā€™d think that avoiding wheat would be the reason for that.


I have been making kefir/ yogurt with l. Reuteri following your advice. It works great and tastes good too. I buy l. Reuteri on Amazon (Smart brand), and use 1% organic milk from Costco. Besides l. Reuteri, I also add l. Plantarum, l. Paracasei, l. Brevis, l. Salivarius, and L. Bulgaricus to a kefir starter by Yogourmet (from Amazon). It takes only 12 hours to make a fresh batch. I use it to make morning smoothies with berries, matcha, cacao and added Glycine, Taurine, and l-carnosine. Gives me a lot of energy for the whole day.


I read Super Gut by W. Davis on vacation last week, ordered a yogurt maker and just finished making my first batch. Iā€™ve had a lot of gut issues and food intolerances since I was on 50 days of levaquin after a body fluid exposure at work from a patient who had klebsiella pneumonia. Itā€™s a long story but Iā€™ve been dealing with the fallout from that since 1999. Iā€™ve even considered FMT so I could expand my diet a bit again. I didnā€™t have celiac or oxalate (kidney stones) issues prior to the levaquin so Iā€™m pretty sure it decimated my flora. Whew, sorry for the long winded tale. Probiotics have never helped enough so Iā€™m hoping the 36 hour fermentation at 106 degrees Fahrenheit he writes about in the book is more powerful than store bought yogurt and probiotic pills.