Hi all, I start my hcm cat on rapamycin today but the tablet is so big. Can it be crushed or will he need to take it whole?
Cannot be crushed. Has to be whole. Good luck with that.
This is a quandary. I have two rescue cats, one of whom was a feral cat.
It took months to gain the feral cat’s trust. He is now very tame and allows me to pet him, but no way is he going to allow me to pick him up.
I am loathe to force a pill down my cats’ throats. I would only do this if it were a life-saving necessity.
As many cats are, they are very finicky about their food.
So, far I have not been able to get the cats to take Rapamcin no matter how I disguise the pills.
I have tried various things such as Pill Pockets, etc to no avail.
I am still looking for the magic method to get my cats to swallow the rapamycin pills voluntarily
First, invest in a thick pair of leather gauntlets…
Sorry; that doesn’t solve your problem but it might keep you from getting scratched.
Is there any reason the tablet couldn’t be finely crushed and added to Puss’s food?
Yes, because the coating of the rapamycin tablet is compromised.
This has been discussed before. This lowers the effectiveness of rapamycin by allowing too much to be destroyed in the stomach.
I did try this method with my cats by mixing the powder with wet food they liked.
After putting crushed rapamycin tablets in the wet food, they wouldn’t touch it.
Maybe this would work with some cats, but not with mine.
Hmmm. That’s a pity.
Maybe increase the dose to compensate for acid losses and hope the cat doesn’t notice.
Maybe get a compounding chemist to make coated tablets more cylindrical so they are more easy for the cat to swallow?