How Do I Get Rapamycin for My Dog?

Also where do you get your taurine for you and your dog?

No stomach issues, 3 daily sounds reasonable to me for 140lb dog fwiw, and I also get taurine from Amazon (Jarrow brand, 1,000mg per capsule)

Do you have any studies that show dosing for humans and dogs in regards to the taurine

I just give my dogs one capsule (1 gram) daily. Human studies generally use 2 or 3 grams/day. Check PubMed for specific studies.

Any reason for the Brand Jarrow instead of Pure encapsulations or thorne?

I trust Jarrow. They pretty much always pass tests for purity and lack of contaminants from and their prices are way better than Pure Encapsulations or Thorne.

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sounds good , Ill look into them. Thanks!

Apologies, Iā€™m sure the information is somewhere up thread, but how do you deliver the rapamycin? Crush up the pill in their food?

I just use cheese sticks (left over from my kids) - I just use a small knife and cut a notch in the cheese and push the rapamycin tablet into the cheese. My dog doesnā€™t really chew these - she takes one bite and then swallows it whole. This approach has worked well for me.


Hello there! I was wondering if I could ask how your cat has been doing on rapamycin? I have a nine year old boy who has been diagnosed with the same condition and given a poor prognosis. He has stage 3/4 renal disease, so Iā€™ve been a bit wary of complications as I saw this was one of the conditions that was prohibited in prospective participants of several feline studies. With thanks and warm wishes :heart:

My 24KG Australian Shepard just turned 3yrs. Iā€™m 66 and have just recently received my first order of Sirolimus and plan to start at 6mg every second week and move up from there. I plan to include my pooch and wonder if starting at 3 yrs old is jumping the gun. Too soon? Thoughts about my plans would be appreciated.

I started my dog at age 3ā€¦ and its a smaller dog. No problems. Start low dose (e.g. 1mg) and slowly increase to the target doseā€¦ This seems to minimize risk of side effects, from what Iā€™ve seen.


How has your dog been? Any other updates?

My dog is doing great on rapamycin. But sheā€™s only 4 years old (and a smallish dog at 24lbs) so I donā€™t expect her to be aging very quickly anyway. Iā€™m doing this for long term preventative purposes, not for any immediate benefit.


Found this today;


A reasonable price and there really is no reason why this rapamycin could not be used by people too. I assume its the same as the rapamycin they give to people.

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Anyone using CYP3A4 inhibitors on dogs? I saw grapefruit and, in general, citrus fruits are not very good for dogs. But any ideas of other alternatives that can be used with dogs?

My dog is getting her rapamycin from Dr. Kevin Toman at Natural Pet Health. She does 3 mg on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She weighs 60 pounds.

I have seen amazing results. She had early arthritis due to an injury and often favored her back right leg. She does none of that after rapamycin. She is 3 years old and I was worried was not going to be able to be very active but she is doing fantastic.


Loyal, the canine longevity company, announces the publication of their first primary data publication which is now live in GeroScience

Loyal is the San Francisco based longevity biotech startup that is focused (initially at least) on longevity drugs for dogs. Their first drug is due out next year (2024) and is targeting the IGF1 pathway (lowering growth hormone levels to increase lifespan). More information on Loyal and their drugs can be found in these threads:

Here The Longevity Summit, News & Update - #9 by RapAdmin
Here The Search for a Pill That Can Help Dogsā€”and Humansā€”Live Longer (Wired Magazine)
Here Video Interview: Celine Halioua, Founder of Loyal, a biotech startup developing drugs to extend dog lifespan


Wow that seems like a lot of Rapa for 60 lbs x3 weekly. Any side effects? Thanks for sharing!