How can I get my mother on rapamycin?

She’s 76, I see her deteriorating physically :slightly_frowning_face: yet she thinks rapamycin is experimental (no complaints about taking the experimental mrna gene therapy though) and worries about type 2 diabetes (she found an article about rapamycin that warned that if wasn’t the fountain of youth and could cause t2). I told her it didn’t matter because in spite of the high blood sugar the animals lived longer anyway.


So, what you’re really asking is how can you convince your mother to use rapamycin… yes, I can relate. I’ve had similar types of discussions with my parents. Strangely, it may not be evidence that sways here. Get her to listen to to this podcast on the origins of rapamycin… I think my parents put more value in this podcast than all the data I gave them. A good story can be much more compelling for some people over difficult to parse research papers. For my parents and rapamycin right now they are off and on… I don’t live close to them, and they have other health issues that complicate things.

Also, perhaps this paper:

Fasting and rapamycin: diabetes versus benevolent glucose intolerance

Although, there really isn’t much clinical evidence yet (I believe) supporting Blagosklonny on this yet.

Also, how is her fasting blood glucose… there is always Rapamycin + metformin, or rapamycin+ SGLT2 I, or acarbose…

I was pretty surprised to learn from the second survey we have going, that almost 50% of rapamycin users here are also taking metformin…Rapamycin User Survey #2 - Please Respond


I’m batting .000 as far getting one brother (another brother would be tougher yet) and a couple of friends to consider rapamycin. Thanks RapAdmin for the supporting information.


Same. My mom is 86 and I’ve wrestled with whether it would move the needle at her age.

The bigger problem is, even if I convinced her to try it, the first negative thing that happens or that she feels, she would immediately think it was due to the Rapamycin and she would lament that she knew she shouldn’t have tried something experimental and that having taken it will be her demise!

I know my mom well enough to know that the anxiety this would cause would be detrimental to her health and would impact ehr blood pressure- so, it’s a prophylactic no.

My sister, decimated with Lyme Disease, Chronic EBV and a host of other things that have robbed her of her life… she would take it if I told her to. My concern is her already compromised and overwhelmed immune system. I worry that that side effect may move the needle in the wrong direction for her. As such, I’ve never discussed Rapamycin with her, but I remain torn as to what to do…


Every drug is a never ending experiment, but some have less human study than others.

I assume you’re talking about the covid vaccines. One dose tested on 50,000+ human participants in a randomized control trial. Dosing rapamycin weekly for life in healthy adults has been tested in randomized human control trials never.

I’m on it because the preclinical evidence looks good to me, but your mom is right. What we’re doing has not been validated by human trials.

Once I told my mother that Rapammune was produced by Pfizer, she got really into it. I guess generic Indian pills were too sketchy for her!

We don’t know whether or not rapamycin increases lifespan in humans but we do have over a quarter century of data on rapamycin use in humans…


I’m expecting the dog data from MK’s study (whenever the preliminary data gets released and assuming it’s positive) will convince a lot of as-yet reluctant humans to try it, but will also make the it a lot harder to get and the price a lot higher.

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Fortunately I can self-prescribe …

And unfortunately give more motivation to counterfeit ala sildenafil

Hi, I am a new member. I am a physician and just called my pharmacy to find out the dose of Sirolimus- it is $500 for 100 pills. How do you prescribe?

You will get a very wide variety of opinions on this subject. When I started a couple years ago Dr. Alan Green:

recommended 4-6mg every 2-3 week to start out. It helped my arthritis and mental fog, so I pretty quickly increased the dose. When I got up to 6mg/10 days my doctor noticed my LDL and Triglycerides were very high, so I backed off to every 2 weeks. This helped some, but they plateau, so maybe unnecessary.

Also sometimes blood sugar goes up. Some treat, some don’t. I’d like to try a small dose of Metformin but my doc doesn’t think I need it.

Many people on here drink a 12 oz glass of grapefruit juice with the pills, this has the effect of multiplying the dosage by 3.5-5 times. GFJ is a cyp3a4 inhibitor and keeps your gut from breaking it down. So now I take 4mg + GFJ about twice a month and since I buy a rapamune generic from india my cost is now about $8/month.

Some people think you should take as much as you can stand as long as you get it down low enough (5?) before dosing again. I tested recently and got 1.3 at nadir and 37.6 at peak (2 hrs after swallowing) with my regimen, but that doesn’t mean yours would be the same. The tests are about $100 at Life Extension.


I asked a friend for a prescription and got rapamune without any problems. My health insurance even covered it but I am in the Netherlands so things might be different from where you are…

I will add my perspective to getting wider family/friends involved.

My parents are in their mid 60s. I have an aunt I am exceptionally close to who is almost 80. I would like to extend their healthspan and lifespan if at all possible.

For me I start with a conversation to gauge reception to the idea of anti-ageing interventions/experimental usage of drugs. I keep it light and open to debate. A friend immediately dismissed the notion as “cultish”. My aunt is far too set in her ways and is immovable not out of stubbornness exactly, its just not something she has the bandwidth to integrate into her very set routine. At these responses, one can only sadly shrug. However, if there is some tolerance to the idea, I provide easy to read and non-alarmist (i.e. not overemphasizing side effects) articles like ones authored by Dr. Blagosklonny so that deeper discussions can be had.

My mother-who is pharmacologically challenged-and takes a no. of drugs to deal with low blood pressure-is open to the science (at least she claims to be) but unfortunately is exceedingly risk averse to new drugs given her often serious side effects to them. Adding a drug for something that is not traditionally viewed as an ailment would seem to be folly to her and given her risk profile re drug side effects, I can understand her hesitancy. It’s not an argument I can or should engage in.

My father and partner are cautiously open to the science but they do not make any rapid decisions, unlike myself who will decide to pursue something v quickly if I deem the course of action advantageous. What I have done is try to get them comfortable with the idea via offering to set up a free initial consult with the doctor I intend to use to supervise my regimen and offering to pay a portion of any initial tests/scans and be the middleman for any purchase of the rapamycin itself, as they will NOT feel comfortable engaging with Indian pharmacies and/or haggling. I love to haggle. I have also offered to act as a guinea pig, so that they might see the effects of rapamycin on myself for a specified period of time, should that make them more comfortable (or alternatively they will run for the hills should I suffer debilitating side effects—let’s hope not).

In the end I view it as my moral duty to raise awareness to loved ones/friends re anti-ageing/healthspan interventions and to be as helpful as possible in permitting them to live as long and as well as possible. It’s not my place to force, nor can I become overly upset if they choose a separate path.