Histone deacetylase inhibitors combat negative cognitive effects found in sleep deprivation in hippocampus


Almost any form of butyrate appears to inhibit HDAC.

I have taken butyrate salts in the past before workouts. Unfortunately, the dose required is 10 grams up. This makes it rather expensive and it is nasty-tasting stuff and doesn’t really mix well with smoothies etc. I have a capsule filling device that I use and using 000 size capsules I can stuff in almost 1 gram per capsule. I usually used potassium b-hydroxybutyrate for its blood pressure-lowering effect. ( potassium b-hydroxybutyrate is not a very good HDAC inhibitor) I stopped taking it because of the expense and the bother of taking 10 grams or more. Maybe I will consider calcium or sodium butyrate due to its anti-aging properties. Also, I will try adding it to my sleep stack as I have a really hard time getting more than 6 hours of sleep.

A quick search of Google using “butyrate and aging” will produce a large number of results extolling the benefits of butyrate.

“The histone deacetylase inhibitor butyrate improves metabolism and reduces muscle atrophy during aging.”

“observation that butyrate treatment of cells results in histone hyperacetylation initiated a flurry of activity that led to the discovery that butyrate inhibits HDAC activity.”


OH, look up Li Huen Tsai - she does work on it.

HDACis can open up gene expression and make the genes more likely to be damaged (sirtuins are histone deacetylases after all), but Tsai found some HDACis that may be more innocuous…

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I wonder if it depends on the HDAC that is being inhibited. For example in this paper they talk about HDAC 2 and 3 class

I haven’t completely got into this, but AFAIK the wide range of HDAC inhibitors inhibit varying numbers of classes of HDAC. Some inhibit only a few, some inhibit more.