Hevolution Foundation issues $115 million call for applications for geroscience research opportunities

Finally, Hevolution is starting to ramp up their efforts… which is good to see. This is a significant amount of money, and it will make a difference. …

BOSTON, United States — 29 March, 2024 — Based on the success of its 2023 HF-GRO program effort, Hevolution Foundation is issuing a call for applications for the 2024 iteration of the program. HF-GRO is an international effort to accelerate progress in healthy aging research. The major goal is to identify and support research that will further the Hevolution’s mission of extending healthy lifespan for the benefit of all humanity.

HF-GRO will provide up to $25 million in 2024 (the total budget planned over 5 years is $115M) to fund approximately 40-60 projects in aging biology or geroscience. Preference, both in length and funding level, will be given to projects that advance basic biology knowledge towards translation (geroscience).

HF-GRO provides support for research projects in the basic biology of aging, as well as projects that translate advances in basic research from the laboratory towards the clinic (translational geroscience). Work should focus on strategies to improve healthy aging by addressing basic principles of aging biology and geroscience. Projects that deal strictly with clinical problems such as the diagnosis or treatment of disease, or the social context of aging are not eligible. Therefore, this initiative will support research approaches that addresses:

  • The maintenance and/or improvement of the mechanisms underlying aging
  • How this might improve health and delay/improve the outcome of age-related diseases and conditions

The Letter of Intent submission deadline for the 2024 program is April 26, 2024. For more information, grant program guidelines, and to submit an application, visit: Funding Opportunities - Hevolution Foundation

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I think projects like Wormbot, Dog Aging Project, etc. should look into this.
Also, NIA ITP (but they said that they don’t like Saudi Arabia too much)