Help needed: Survey about rapamycin demand in Europe

Hi, MD from Europe here. I’ve lately been exploring the longevity scene and have been toying with the idea of starting a practice that also offers rapamycin treatment in the future. As far as I know, most people interested in Rapamycin are from North America, so I’m curious to see if there’s much of an interest in Europe as well.

If you’re from Europe, I’d be very grateful if you could fill out this quick survey. It’s anonymous and should only take around 3 minutes:



Thanks. Interesting; the only thing is that the price is much compared to the current Eudoctor offer … follow up though is needed and much desired

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Yes, I understand. The problem is, that I can take patients from all of Europe, but would still have to adhere to the pricing regulations of my country. I understand that price sensitivity is very different throughout Europe. Subsequent consultations + slips would would be cheaper.


Yes I am very interested.


Same here - looking forward.

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