Hedonic / Damage Mitigation Biotech for Improved Longevity? (Artemy Shumskiy)

While from a commercial perspective this is obviously correct, I find it a little sad that “longevity therapies” of the future might be just things that counteract the negative things we’ve introduced and promoted into our environment, so as to make it a “net zero” impact. (source: x.com )

Your thoughts?


I think hangover mitigation is a good idea. I have said how to do this.

I hear you, but it’s hard not to agree with the guy. It’s all individual, but the vast majority of people prefer convenience, less effort, fewer restrictions, more options. And truthfully, the development of civilization has tended in that direction. We always looked to ease labor and extend efficiency, starting with the use of domestic animals, such as horses. It’s always about less work for same or more results. Again, some people like effort, like exercise, but many, if not most would rather not exercise. I too hate it - if not health, there’s zero chance I’d exercise - I have much better use of my time than sweating pointlessly. Exercise in a pill? Sign me up. Unfortunately, not so simple, because as I wrote in another thread, there is no possible way a pill no matter how good can duplicate all the benefits of exercise.

That’s the way forward, realistically - the easier and less demanding of the subject intervention, the more successful it’s going to be. And you know what’s shocking - I agree 100%. The ultimate prize is TIME. The more time on this earth, the better. So why would I want to waste time and effort on anything else, including health interventions if I have the option of getting the benefits without the loss of time and expended effort? With the exception of those who enjoy it, the rest of us prefer to spend our time on other pursuits. Sure, there will be always those who cling to “old ways” more out of superstition than anything else, but civilization means - more time, less effort more result. Imagine if breathing required efforts, like gathering air in special sacs to have something to put in your lungs - who wouldn’t prefer to breathe with no effort? Only those old timers who superstitiously would see benefits in the virtue of the great effort to gather air in sacks. It’s nonsense.

Give me more time, with less effort, please, thank you!

The sleep and drinking alcohol part has already been figured out with the medication called Xyrem.
Some countries prescribe it for alcohol addiction, and some for sleep disorders.
@Ward_Dean wrote a book on this medicine. Would you be able to share a pdf file of the book as it’s almost impossible to get?

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