I’m a 33 year old male and physician, I have a history of intermittent bouts of weight lifting but otherwise an unremarkable lifestyle. A few months ago I developed neuropathic pain and tingling in my legs/feet and also occasional hand/arms. Imaging shows multilevel degenerative disc disease and other mild-moderate signs of spinal aging. I don’t think direct disc impingement on nerve roots is the main issue as a steroid burst effectively all but eliminates the symptoms, so it seems to be primarily an inflammatory process. All my labs are normal except elevated CRP (although when tested I was also recovering from strep). I have no significant past medical history other than very mild intermittent asthma.
I’m really saddened by this new issue as it really affects my quality of life, and it just happened seemingly randomly, I wasn’t lifting weights recently nor did I injure myself in any other way.
I just started my first dose of rapamycin 1mg today with plan to slowly ramp up the dose but was wondering if anyone has had similar issues and whether Rapamycin helped, or any other recommendations.
I’m following the back rehab program by Stuart McGill from Back Mechanic book.