Has Anyone's Rheumatoid Arthritis improved with Rapamycin?

Has anyone with RA seen an improvement in their symptoms while on Rapamycin?

Here is how I reduced my arthritis pain. Not from rampamycin, although I have been taking rampamycin weekly for longevity long before the hip pain started. My hip pain was diagnosed as osteoarthritis. Walking uphill (even small inclines) was very painful. I even scheduled a hip replacement 10 months out. During this time I started to have stomach problems and diarrhea that I solved by stopping eating gluten. Miraculously my hip pain gradually reduced over a period of 6-8 weeks. Having changed nothing else, I concluded the gluten was causing inflammation that lead to joint pain. There is some supporting info online, but no serious studies proving or disproving. nevertheless, I cancelled the operation and now can hike as I used to. Still some pain, but very manageable.

The doctors at Mayo Clinic where I had the replacement scheduled were happy for me and mentioned they had seen this a few times. Not often enough to suggest trying this very low risk approach to the issue I guess.

So my advice is give it a try, but give it a couple of months. I simply stopped eating food containing any of the gluten grains (there a a dozen or so with wheat topping the list). I didn’t worry about gluten cross contamination from preparation of food in a shared food preperation environment, tiny amounts of gluten don‘t seem to be an issue for me, but I am sure it is an individual reaction.
Good Luck.


I have seen examples where gluten has caused this. It’s definitely worth a shot to always do a 3 month gf experiment for many conditions. Free and no risk!