Hair Loss / Prostate Growth / Low T --- the Triple Whammy | Wise Athletes podcast

This might be interesting to anyone personally dealing with or wanting to avoid dealing with these problems…Dr Kyle Gillett is a great resource on hormones. He also gets into some details on the finasteride vs. dutasteride question. Oh, and he says TRT does not have to be an irreversible decision…we can choose to do TRT short-term to escape a hormonal / mood / metabolic downward spiral. I found this talk very interesting, and personally useful.


I like him. Anything in here for women? If so, I’ll listen. If not, I’ll have the husband listen.



It’s for the men. There is a little bit for the women. Maybe a lot for the woman who wants to help her man…? Dr Gillett is great.


Loved your self depreciating humor at the opening. You seem like a great guy to spend an afternoon with… outdoors… cooking out… hiking.

Fantastic information… thanks for the shout out on… "you know a significantly older guy with his hair and a prostate of a 20 year old… :grinning:. Only wish Kyle had said something about research on finasteride helping with cholesterol and preventing arthrocleurosis.

Really enjoyed making TRT… which is replacement testosterone in normal range… not a big deal.

Many men (and some women) would benefit from this program.

Excellent program.

With my TRT… finasteride (started at age 33)… tadalafil and of course rapamycin protocols
. . would say I am proof you can slow… fix and prevent the whammies.


@Agetron Thanks! I WAS thinking of you! It has been a longish road for me on the question of TRT. Your example has been helpful to highlight the positive long-term effects.

And, I am completely open to hanging out if you ever get close to the Asheville NC area.

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I didn’t know that is where you live. What a spectacularly gorgeous area. We almost moved there, but the neighborhood we were buying into looked like it could potentially go bankrupt… fast forward… it did … we dodged that bullet


It is very nice, thanks. I am in Waynesville in the mountains outside of Asheville. Even prettier but further from city things, if you need that. I don’t so it is just what I need for now.


Owner of Marek Health and the person that Attia has been consulting with for years.

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