Grapefruit juice affect half life?

I have limited ability to comprehend the scientific research, but I haven’t read anything that emphatically states that Rapamycin limits muscle hypertrophy. Am I wrong? Personally, I have little interest in adding muscle, but would love to get stronger.

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@ABL , There are lots of people here exercising regularly and taking rapamycin who report no issues with building strength. You might get some reduced strength gains for strength training on the day you take rapamycin, but all the other days of the week you should be fine.

If you want to learn more, see these threads:

Rapamycin and Exercise / Muscle Growth


Hey ABL… my body overall became more shredded as my strength grew to increase 10 extra pounds every 3-4 months on all the machines past couple of years. Can do sets of much younger guys at my gym. Going on 66 years.

To be fair … also on weekly TRT 200 mg … 1 ml injection. Rapamycin and TRT a good combination for me. Prevention of sarcopenia.

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