Glycine+NAC vs Rapamycin

Adderall is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance. It is therefore considered to have a significant risk for abuse and the development of physical dependence.
Modafinil is also a controlled substance but classified at a much lower level of control/severity than Adderall. Modafinil is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance. The difference in the formal classification of Adderall and modafinil indicates that the overall general research and the opinion of the federal government is that Adderall is a significantly more dangerous drug of abuse than modafinil.

For a brain booster (nootropic), modafinil would be better.


Could try methylene blue to see if it has any benefit on focus. It is an energy production boosterā€¦you feel it where you are having low energy. When I feel foggy or I just canā€™t focus, MB clears the fog. Not addictive or unhealthy as far as I know. I interviewed Scorr Sherr MD who sells a product OTC with MB.


Interesting! Iā€™ve seen some of you mention MB but I havenā€™t looked into it yet.
Thanks for the tip, I may be back with more questions! If there is truly no risk, I would love something to help with fog and focusā€¦ takes me sooo long to get admin type things done. The focus issue is why I have to ask you all EVERYTHING because I truly canā€™t finish reading a study!!! My mind wanders and the words on the page become a blur!!! I need short and interesting bits! If itā€™s interesting to me, I can hyper-focus and not hear or see anything going on around me!

On adderral for occasional use:
I was told that because itā€™s a vaso constrictor, itā€™s high risk for someone with elevated heart attack risk, which i have w a CAC of almost 500 and strong family history blah blah blahā€¦
If I really needed it, I imagine Iā€™d take it every blue moon, but I get through life well enough that I donā€™t want to add any risk I donā€™t need.

@ng0rge I just googled and seems modafinil might have a little cvd risk as well.

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I took 100mg Modafinil this morning since I didnā€™t sleep so great last night. I donā€™t have to do it often but some nights, it just happens for whatever reason. I will usually combine it with 5mg Nebivolol to make sure it doesnā€™t raise blood pressure and heart rate.



But isnā€™t it Adderall addictive? and what was your experience in terms of addiction with it. I tend to not care about the heart risk since I tend to think Iā€™m in very low risk category (not genetically, but personally). So, if that is the only thing that it screws up, I would give it a try, but I would consider myself the biggest and fattest loser if I did something that made me addicted to anything (trying to be as clear as possible how I feel about things that are habit forming/addictive LOL)

Good question. I think it can be addictive for certain people.

Unrelated, but related, many people who take ambien keep needing a bigger and bigger doseā€¦ I mention that because I was not addicted to adderall and it was no big deal for me to stop. I also took ambien for 20 years and never needed to increase my dose, either. I got off of it when still using less than 5mg. So, perhaps there is just something about me that made it no problem?

Iā€™ll share that my niece who has major ADD was on it for years and is trying to get off of it for health, and she is going through MAJOR withdrawals. Itā€™s been a tough road for her.

In thinking about me, is it that you are lazy or there is just nothing around that is motivating you at the moment. I consider myself lazy, but then I also realize if there is something Iā€™m very interested in, I can work on it 24/7 or go go go all dayā€¦ but I need to really be inspired. If itā€™s something I donā€™t really want to do, it will never ever happen.

It reminds me of my first job at Xerox when I was in training. I was tired and could barely get through the day. At the time I didnā€™t know anything about ADD, but the trainer said you canā€™t focus on anything here because this is too easy for you (sales comes naturally to me, from what Iā€™ve been told).

I always remember leaving a job in my 20ā€™s with a couple of thousand in expense reports that I never submitted because I just couldnā€™t bring myself to fill out those formsā€¦ and as you can imagine, in your 20ā€™s, that was a lot of money! (Itā€™s not nothing now!). It was not too long ago on a Huberman podcast that I learned ADD people can be ultra productive/focused if itā€™s of great interestā€¦ it explained my entire life :).

I could be hyper focused when I worked and I loved what I did, but people knew if they so much as waved at me in my office, Iā€™d bite their heads off because it would take me out of the zone and distract me to the point of not being able to finish a sentence when I was on the phone. I donā€™t know if that is ADD but Iā€™ve been that way forever.


Well, it is hard to tell for me. I can say though that lets say when I start a new job, I am totally on top of it for first month or so until it becomes routine and then it all dies off and literally do not touch anything until it is absolutely the deadline that I know it might cost me dearly if I didnā€™t do it. It even then it is usually the lasty minute that I finish it lol. As far as finding something Iā€™d like to do, Iā€™m a bit weird in that sense also because to me a job is there for me to make a living, and not because I enjoy doing. I have NEVER had a job that I loved, and I canā€™t possibly think of one that I would love doing. None. Zero. Iā€™d much rather be on a beach sipping virgin margaritas (remember i donā€™t drink lol) than working my dream job. And that is why I tend to think Iā€™m lazy because given a choice Iā€™d never work one minute. But then again when I was in college, I did that full time, and worked one full time job, and one part time to the amazement of many family and friends of mine. I literally had exactly 10 hours of free time per day, of which 8 I spent sleeping (again i was blessed not to need much studying as with the professorā€™s lecture alone i was good for a B+ or an A, actually I had them all Aā€™s). In other words, I am a workaholic if I need to (did not want to have debt when done school) but I HATE working.

I literally donā€™t know if this is normal with many people, or I just happen to be the only one in the planet like this LOL. But would love to try something (not habit forming) to make me go a bit more steady.
thanks, by the way for your input and experience, and would like anyone with anything to say to chime in.

As matter of fact, I have to prepare a HUGE reporting package for the six-month ending 06/30 (due 07/20) and everyone knows it takes at least a good 10 working days to do so. thank God I can do it in about day and half or two but even that I canā€™t frigging make myself find the time (clearly, I have plenty of time because Iā€™m doing nothing other than X, Quora, and here LOL). So, there goes my struggle!

Based on me, Iā€™d guess itā€™s not just you.

I was a stock broker and loved it. The only reason I found that sales job is that even though I loved my first two when I got them (xerox and then medical), like you, I was a workaholic at the beginning, but when I figured it out, I would then then find it to be extremely boring and barely worked. I then looked for the hardest job I could find that would be something I could never master.

In my first two jobs, like you, I never performed until the deadline. They used to call me the end of the quarter girl. Iā€™d worry each and every quarter that I lost my mojo and Iā€™d never sell anything ever again. Iā€™d get stressed I was going to loose my job (even though they would laugh at me) and then Iā€™d go sell a quarterā€™s worth of quota, plus some, in a few days. Never on purpose, but in hindsight I was sabotaging myself to create interest/motivation. My bosses knew it years before I figured it out.

Because there are so many similarities, perhaps itā€™s just that you never found the job you love. Most people donā€™t get that lucky.

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I hear you; you and I seem to be the same and are both cursed LOL.

Actually, when I think of it the only time I enjoyed what I was doing was when I was in college and working two jobs (random ones, waiter, and warehouse worker) and that is because it kept me busy going from one place to the next. So, i guess I would need five jobs per day doing 1-2 hours on each one of them to keep me on my feet and motivated. Who knew being a waiter and a warehouse worker is better than being a CFO lol.

Honestly, I think it has to do with the fact that I can do a lot on a small amount of time, and that screws everything up. For one it makes think I can do it later, since I know it takes me very little to complete, and then keep delaying and delaying and then at the end starts being worried I wonā€™t have the time to do it. LOL

As far as finding the job I liked/loved I actually liked/loved most (especially the one Iā€™m now) but I much rather NOT work at all. LOL. Maybe a TV commentator (since I tend to like to give my unvarnished opinion on many issues, even unsolicited LOL) would have been something I might have liked but that is too late, I guess. As far as any other job, I think the one I have now is the best option out there, I love it and also hate it :joy::joy::joy:

Iā€™ve seen the ā€œ10x more effectiveā€ before (iā€™ve actually even seen 20x more effective but canā€t remember where ā€” hopefully not on a bottle of NACET). Bur iā€™ve never seen ā€œ10% the quantityā€. Do you mean you take 10% of what you would have taken of NAc (but of NACET, at 10x the effectiveness, bit also 10x the price) to get the same amount of NAC equivalent (at the same price per NAV equivalent)?

Or am I misunderstanding?

Thanks, @DeStrider .

Itā€™s just as you explained it.

I feel blessed and fortunate to have had jobs that I loved. As a kid I loved electronics. I have had a wonderful and colorful career doing things that I loved.

It didnā€™t make me rich, but I would do the thing over again.


You definitely are truly blessed!!! I love hearing that, so thanks for sharing!

Iā€™m not the first to say this, but I agree with them that once one is able to have security, I really donā€™t think making even more money makes one happier. Doing what you love makes one filthy rich :slight_smile:


Why not shoot the moon for everything? :wink:

A job you love, lots of money, good health, time with family and friends. That covers the bases.

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I find it really unfortunate that these companies all decided to include 222% of the DV of Molybdenum in every NACET supplement. i canā€™t think of any reason to supplement molybdenum and risk a copper deficiency.

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Yes, I was surprised to see that they all add Molybdenum. I didnā€™t even know what it was ! Is there any reason for it, and is it true it causes copper deficiency?

It can in high doses. Iā€™m just not entirely sure what those doses would be


I take on and off, daily the following based on the original papers formula / calculation - I call it GlyNACET+

Dose for 190lb / 86.1826Kg
8800mg / 8.8g of Glycine minimum
8400mg from capsules plus
Powder in black coffee
From 16x capsules (each capsule - 525mg glycine-50mg NACET - 50mcg Molybdenum - 25mcg Selenium)
Total of;
800mg NACET
This comes with the capsules
800mcg of Molybdenum
400mcg of Selenium


8 mg of glycine seems low.

Never mind. I see it was addressed above.

Thatā€™s because itā€™s amphetamine! Anyone who takes it at a high enough dose will get this feeling. I donā€™t understand the bizarre myth that Adderall only has an effect on people with ADHD . . . if youā€™re a human being and you take 20mg of amphetamine, youā€™re going to feel amazing.

From Wikipedia:

Currently, pharmaceutical amphetamine is prescribed as racemic amphetamine, Adderall, dextroamphetamine, or the inactive prodrug lisdexamfetamine. Amphetamine increases monoamine and excitatory neurotransmission in the brain, with its most pronounced effects targeting the norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitter systems.

At therapeutic doses, amphetamine causes emotional and cognitive effects such as euphoria, change in desire for sex, increased wakefulness, and improved cognitive control. It induces physical effects such as improved reaction time, fatigue resistance, decreased appetite, elevated heart rate, and increased muscle strength.