Glycanage test result of 80 years

From the Longevity Center in Poland I got a detailed report from my day of tests there, the overall result is:

Patient: Brett Miller
Born 11.23.1965
Overall biological age 46.7

Biological age biomarkers:
Metabolic Age: 42 - not sure where this comes from
Cardio Age: 51,6 - from measured Arterial Stiffness
Pulmo Age: 20 - result of Spirometry
Cognitive Age: 45 - CNS Vital Signs Report
VO2max 38
Blood Age: 53
Blood tests performed showed elevated cholesterol- 227.1 (n<190 mg/dl)
non-HDL- 150.7 (n<130mg/dl),
LDL- 136.88 (n<115mg/dl),
homocysteine 12.3 (n<12umol/l)
Glycan Age: 80 - from the test shown at

That terrible GlycanAge result was kind of a shock given the very good results from most of the other tests.

So the doctor recommends that I not start yet to take Rapamycin so that we can see what is the cause of the high GlycanAge - because Rapamycin will reduce that age but the underlying cause will still be present. It makes sense.

The next step is to check my gut microbiome as they believe a problem here could be the cause.

Does anyone have any insights into this high GlycanAge level, and other possible causes? I might exercise too much, I think.

The doctor also said that Rapamycin is effective for a finite amount of time, the the receptivity to this drug decreases with time, is that true.

Hoping to get a little smarter on this, if possible.



Could you clarify where this info is from? Longevity? What tests were done to determine these ages? Thanks

Iā€™m assuming that is your actual Vo2Max measurement (not someoneā€™s estimate of your ā€œVO2Max Ageā€, if there is such a thing).

I updated my post as well as I could to give better info.

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You spoke with Gordan Lauc?

Thx, it is the actual VO2 result.

No because the Longevity Center in Poland is ā€˜partneringā€™ with Gordan Lauc, so for the time being I am working with Dr Jarema at the Longevity Center in Poland

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I would have a conversation with Gordan Lauc.

As he is the person who developed the Glycan Age testing. And his lab are the ones running the test.

Sample may have been contaminated, test could have been off or?.

I go direct to the source.

His contact,450.html

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Yes, I was thinking the same given the good/great results otherwise.

I do eat a ketogenic diet with lots of red meat, that could be a culpritā€¦I am veering away from the red meat, but not eliminating it as of yet.

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Do you know how arterial stiffness is measured?

I got a better Glycan Age than you at 79 :slightly_smiling_face:
All my other biological age like TruAge were around 45~55.
BTW Iā€™m also on a low carb diet.
BTW2 Gordan Lauc also has a very bad Glycan Age.
In my case they said itā€™s probably because I had an mild infection a few weeks before the test and/or the half marathon race also a few weeks before.
That test is too sensitive to any kind of acute inflammation and itā€™s not very well correlated with all the other biological age tests.

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I share your pain along with my father. Great Levine and results but poor epigenetic test results. I am on a normal diet with not a lot of exercise while my father is a gym rat and is a vegetarian. So, it seems diet and exercise are not correlated to poor epigenetic age.

Rapamycin does make your epigenetic age drop quite a bit though. So whatever Rapamycin is doing, we should be doing more of that.

If you put any trust in these epigenetic tests, which I frankly donā€™t anymore.

However, if you do find out the culprit, please let us know.

Maybe compare your bloodwork with someone with a low GlycanAge? Maybe you can ā€œgameā€ the system?

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Hi, thanks for the insightsā€¦I start to see it could be poor test or then some very temp condition in me that brought about the result. The other thing of course is that the test as a whole does not mean that much. In any case it does not hurt to test the microbiome, plus more deeply into the cholesterol levels found via my blood test.

I think I will write to Gordon Lauc as @Joseph recommended. Will share to this forum if I get some valuable insight.

I am kind of an ambitious guy and hope that over the next year I can take this bio age of 46.7 down to at least 42 with some improvement in the GlycanAge, cholesterol levels along with starting to take Rapamycin (an order is on the way from India but I am confident the Swedish customs will stop it :wink: ).

Thanks again for taking the time to share your insights. Brett


What a kind man!!

Dear Brett,

Unless we got the wrongly labelled card from the Longevity Centre, it is nearly impossible that lab mixed up the results. We analyse everything in triplicate starting from the blood stain. Any potential mistake would have to be done three times independently to pass the QC, which is close to being impossible.

On the other hand, it is also quite unlikely that GlycanAge is so much different from for example VO2 max, or arterial stiffness. They only thing that I could think off is either acute viral infection (severe covid or influenza), or a chronic inflammatory condition (inflammatory disease, dental problems, some other chronic infection). Did you perhaps check ferritin recently. Chronic infections usually come with elevated ferritin.

If you are not aware of any of these things, I am happy to offer you a complimentary retest, just to be sure. Let me know and I will see how to arrange this (I am not operationally involved in GlycanAge testing).

Best regards



The arterial stiffness was rated via a battery of tests from a company ā€˜AtCor Medical SphygmoCor XCELā€™ they include:

Brachial (cuff) Blood pressure - 117/70
Central Systolic Blood pressure - 106
Central Pulse Pressure (Aortic PP) - 35
Central Augmented Pressure (Aortic AP) - 8.
Central Augmentation Index - 24
Your SphygmoCor Reference age - >49

Not sure if it helps, @KarlT, but happy to share the info that I have. :wink:

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The second round of results came in and they are the sameā€¦I have the Glycan age of an 80 year old.

I had a consultation with them and we came up with the probable cause, that I exercise and fast too much. She recommended that I:

  • reduce the frequency of my 36 - 48 hour fasts from weekly to monthly.
  • widen my daily eating window from one hour to 6 hours
  • increase my rest days from 1-2 times every 14 days to 2x weekly.

I have not wrapped my head around what the poor glycan result really means, beyond that it is not good. But instead of investing more time, I think I will drop my endeavor to reduce my glycan age since what I am doing makes me feel great and all other tests show that things are going well.

Also, I suppose the day that I get my Rapamycin things should improve even at the glycan level. Right now my order from India is stuck in Swedish customs and a miracle will allow it to go through - so I wait for a friend to bring me a load next summer from the USA.


Interesting information. If you donā€™t mind me asking, what are you trying to accomplish with so much fasting and exercise? Are you recovering from or preparing for something?

I never pass up a chance to talk about myself, so very happy to answer. :wink:

As for the fasting, I just have experimented my way forward into doing what I am doing now. I have become lighter and overall feel better. But of course I am still experimenting and learning, for example that sugar and carbs are not that bad (or not that important to avoind) so I am letting more of it into my diet.

As for the exercise - that is kinda a non-negotiable. As an ex-ballet dancer and Pilates teacher (as a hobby) it is in my blood to be in great shape. Most of my workouts consist of Pilates, with 2 cardioā€™s a week. Here is a short example of what I do. The results are fantastic, in my opinion, and have no plan to change that area. Plus - I simply love the activity.

@Joseph_Lavelle I see from your avatar you are into intense work yourself?


@Brett_Miller Very nice program. I used to be more fixated on fitness and athletic performance than I am right now. My avatar is a photo of me racing in a velodrome. My interests (and my podcast, WiseAthletes) has shifted towards health. The argument is health is the foundation for athletic performance. I was curious to understand your goal since your program of frequent, longish fasting sounded stressful, physically. I do one 24 hour fast each week with my rapamycin dose. If I did more fasting than that I fear I would breakdown with my resistance training and now modest cardio training. Iā€™m not trying to lose weight.

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@Joseph_Lavelle if I get too stressed I come off the fast - I am actually not so hard core. :wink:

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