Glutathione regulation by melatonin?

Can someone get this paper for us all to read?

“The main purpose of this short review is to discuss evidence relating to the potential common modulation signals between the glutathione system and melatonin in the CNS. The potential regulatory mechanisms and interactions between neurons and non-neuronal cells are also discussed“

It was posted on X by MedCram.


Limn-Pacheco2010.pdf (229.3 KB)




Thanks! This paper is from (2010) the era of thinking that melatonin is a longevity supplement. Perhaps it really is…I cannot work out from this paper if oral administration of melatonin would have the effect of boosting glutathione. If so, is it a short last effect…is a short lasting effect good enough for boosting glutathione production…“take melatonin when you exercise” or “take melatonin when you eat a carb heavy meal” or some such attaching the boosted ROS defense to the timing of higher ROS generation…? Is this better than taking vit c during exercise which reduces the signal for adaptation?

There is much I don’t know. @John_Hemming Any thoughts?

I am a fan of taking melatonin at night to fit in with the sleep cycles. I do take a lot from time to time.

What it does is top up the mitochondrial melatonin via serum. It reduces ROS and has to some extent anti-puberty effects (I speak as a 63 year old baldish man with 5 children and facial hair).

I am unsure as to the interplay with glutathione, but in the end the choice is whether or not to take something and I decided some years ago to take melatonin.


Melatonin is an NRF2 activator, I understand. Perhaps it is too transient to have a large effect?

How much do you take?

It varies. Normally at least half a gram.

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Where can I buy high dose melatonin? Highest I can find is 20mg per pill.

I wouldn’t take melatonin during the day because it can interfere with normal blood sugar. At least in people with a genetic predisposition to this. I can’t find a review for this right now, but it should be easy to find on google.

Large doses of melatonin worsened my insomnia. The optimal dose for me is 3mg (1mg fast and 2mg slow release). The additional doses taken later in the night also worsened the cycle of insomnia. These are just my experiences.

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Where are you?

There are suppositories at 200 and 400mg in the USA and you can often get pills which are 60mg each.

Melatonin’s effects are complicated. I am sleeping far better now than a few years ago. Melatonin is part of this, but only part of it.

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I am in Australia. What kind of dose should I start with? I am interested to see if I can improve my sleep quality.

It varies a lot by person. Hence I am hesitant to try to give any advice specifically for one individual.

I don’t know what the rules are about Melatonin in Australia. In many countries you can import it, but not buy it in the country.

Just tell me your idea… I will work it out myself. PM me if that is easier.