Gero Announces Activity-Based Longevity Studies Initiative - Join Today!

The new initiative means that GeroSense will start using this platform for studies on how various factors and interventions move the hands of the step-based aging clock. The first proof-of-concept study will involve a lot of self-reporting: a monthly lifestyle survey in which participants will be asked about their dietary habits as well as about the supplements and medications they are taking. Additionally, they will complete two bi-weekly clinically verified assessments for anxiety and depression, both suspected to be important factors in aging.


Aleksandr is aware of those limitations but says that it’s quantity versus quality; GeroSense’s approach will potentially allow the testing of a variety of understudied factors and interventions. This is reminiscent of another initiative we recently covered: Ora Biomedical’s Million Molecule Challenge. While GeroSense insists on the importance of human data, MMC is about high-throughput testing in worms.

However, the unifying idea is that we must cast a wider net if we want to “unstick” the longevity field. In fact, Aleksandr says, GeroSense’s initiative was somewhat inspired by the self-reporting-based study of rapamycin co-authored by Ora’s co-founder Matt Kaeberlein. GeroSense plans to reproduce this study in the future.

GeroSense’s approach can prove especially valuable for investigating the anti-aging effects of supplements that do not get tested in high-quality studies a lot. Other targets that the company’s currently eyeing include fasting, antidepressants, microdosed psychedelics, and GLP-1 agonists such as Ozempic. However, it all hinges on participation.

GeroSense Studies has an app that anyone with an iPhone can download and start obsessively watching their daily fluctuations in biological age. The Android version is currently in the works, but you can join the waiting list.

So, if you find it valuable, we have two requests for you:

  1. Install our app if you have an iPhone and go through our questionnaires or sign up for an Android app waitlist.

  2. Share this message with your friends.

The more people join, the better science we can do!

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