GcMAF supplement with Rapa

Hello, I am new to Rapa, am up to 4mg / week.

I am wondering if anyone has experience with, or information regarding, taking a GcMAF supplement while on Rapa? I’ve been looking at the Saisei product. Since it works at immune system level I don’t want to take without understanding the interplay with Rapa, but honestly this stuff is above my level of knowledge.

Thanks in advance if any input!!

I’ve never heard of it. Why are you taking it?

I am not taking it yet, but was considering it after it greatly improved a friends gut issues within ~30 days of use. I have similar issues to her - “leaky gut” type symptoms that standard elimination / diet interventions and probiotics haven’t helped.

They also claim telomere lengthening with continued use which is why I thought someone here may have heard of it. I don’t know how mainstream it is tho.