Gas pains and tummy trouble

any one can you relate and does the gas bloating and pain go away???

Lisa, is rapamycin the only medicine you are taking right now? Please share more about your dosing level and frequency. I think you said you were taking liquid sirolimus, is that still true?

yes it is the only med- and yes I have a hard time swallowing pills but let me tell you this stuff tastes HORRIBLE the liquid is awful

Why are you taking it as a liquid? The general consensus here is that it doesn’t survive the stomach unless it is in a coated pill.

I cannot swallow pills

There is a special formulation of sirolimus for (I assume) people who can’t swallow pills. I’m sure its bioavailable, as its made by Pfizer (under the “Rapamune” brand, and its used for organ transplant patients. Its not used too often I suspect - as most people can take pills/tablets. Sirolimus oral solution

Sadly, it seems these side effects Lisa is mentioning are sometimes experienced:

Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your doctor or health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):

  • aches, pain
  • acne
  • diarrhea
  • nausea, vomiting
  • stomach upset
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yes boooooo this is what happened to me after dosing last Tuesday evening - felt miserable !!