Full Body Stem Cell Treatment - Any Experience?

I just had a daughter and me and my wife have take the Umbilical cord and other parts of the placenta for storage to a stem cell treatment company. I am 54 and plan to make a full body stem cell treatment, Injections in all joints, plus IV and also facial treatment in June or July next year.
I have a couple of older friends that have done this years ago, and they look remarkably young and fresh for their age. I am looking for something that can move the needle a bit more than Rapamycin, and I hope this could be it.
Is there anyone in this forum that has experience with this?
I am looking for animal studies for longevity, curious if this has any life extension results. And can not find anything serious. Has anyone come across something ?


I’ve had some cellular therapies injected into various joints. I’ve also recently had amniotic fluid injected intravenously.

The results were impressive, but short lived, which makes sense as the immune system will clear out the cells eventually.

It’s had some positive effects, but it’s hard to quantify because you very quickly get accustomed to your bodies status quo. I saw improvement in sleep, recovery and exercise capacity, but it didn’t last.

I got my treatment here, which is considerably cheaper than going outside of the states.

The main thing I noticed is how generally crappy I felt before I had them. I need to update the report I did.

My takeaway from it is, it was amazing for about 6 weeks, but I’ve gone back to my baseline, which is to be expected. I suspect any real benefit to lifespan would involve regular injections to lower inflammation.

If you’re looking for concrete data on whether or not it’s going to be protective it’s hard to say without you getting scans before and after. Most likely it works best on areas of inflammation.


I have researched stem cell therapies quite a bit and can confidently state that they are far from being useful as a general life-extension therapy. This is especially true for IV treatments which largely are a waste. Current treatments mostly have short term immunomodulatory effects. They do have some use for injuries when injected locally, so they may be worth trying for joints, if you have joint problems.


One of the main reason the results are short lives is because the cells don’t even make it to where they are needed. When injected by IV almost all the cells get clogged in the lungs and never make it to the target area.


Absolutely, I’ve heard this also. But also I believe that the immune system has a six week cycle. (Don’t quote me on that) That said, I have seen definite improvements. I had residual balance issues after my second bout of covid which has completely cleared up. Tracking my biometrics I’ve seen some marked improvement. It’s been really fascinating. My takeway that any longevity therapeutic will have to be intermittently dosed. I’d would love to see what effect they might have over the course of a year taken every three months.


I’ve just spoken to someone at the Longevity conference who’s friend did the full body stem cell treatment and found it very helpful. It was with a doctor in LA. I’m working to get more information on this from “Josh” a participant of the conference.


Next year I plan to get stem cells treatment just to see if it helps. It will cost about $30,000… maybe cheaper next year when more and more people are doing it.

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Have you watched Joy Kong’s youtube videos?

I can’t say I have. I haven’t really watched any youtube videos on stem cells. FWIW, my statements on the usefulness of stem cell therapies are based on having spent well in excess of 200 hours reading peer reviewed studies on and writing about stem cell therapies.


Beats you tube videos by a huge margin


Yes, I did a few treatments into a painful hip joint. I got only a transient improvement, which was unspectacular. I found much later that the hip was totally corrupt, and eventually replaced with a prosthetic joint. To add to the general negativity, the stem cell storage facility was victim to some weird state legal interpretation which led to their shutting down and destroying everyone’s stored cells…

I heard about two full body stem cell treatments last week - one a second hand story from a woman in LA who had it done recently and is very happy with it, and a report from a doctor where another longevity doctor had given his patient a $100,000 treatment with stem cells, and it went very badly (a bad reaction in the body) and the patient’s regular doctor had to deal with the problem created by the stem cell treatment.

Here are some slides from the presentation to give you an idea about what happened: