Found rejuvenating factor involved in parabiosis' young blood

From Robert H. Whigham post at Josh Mitteldorf’s blog:

“Maxwell Biosciences believe they have found the rejuvenating factor in young blood: “LL-37 – also known as Human Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide.” It would be a super-drug except it’s too unstable. They have developed a cheap stable small molecule they call MXB-22,510 that mimics LL-37 and are going to human trials next year.(2024). They call it a “synthetic immune system”. It’s causes most human pathogens both viral and bacterial to be quickly eliminated replacing both antibiotics and antivirals. They believe Immune senescence is the main driver of aging, and expect this drug to increase human life expectancy from 74yrs to 120yrs by 2033”.

Source at Mawwell Biosciences.

Post at J. Mitteldorf’s.


LL-37 has such a short life that Maxwell had to invent its MXB-22,510 mimic so it would be possible to deliver a stable dose. LL-37 was created by nature. Might not nature have given it a short life because it would be harmful if it stayed around longer?

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I agree with you. And the question is how harmful and for who?. Nature’s infinite sageness couldn’t predict the evolving events relating to human race. It just evolved in a ‘natural’ and eons long manner while us diverted that path some time ago, IMHO. And now we are facing the fact that Big Science - not in Nature’s planning for us - may let us go getting 120 in plenitude. Imagine Einstein or Mozart or DaVinci still enjoying life at 120?. What a blessing for us all, enlightning Humanity for more fruitfull years.

Then comes AI. What to expect?.


Lustgarten spends a lot of time on LL-37 in his book. It is a big deal. Vitamin D increases it.


I posted this is a previous thread. Apparently Maxwell biosciences are struggling to fund the trial for it.

I don’t see how LL-37 ,which is a peptide made by nearly all cells and lasts not very long and is used up as it kill pathogens could have anything to do with E5. I think the LL stands for lysine and leucine and then it’s 37 more amino acids. It grabs onto bacteria like barnicles on a ship and when you get enough of them they punch holes and kill. The problem is that it’s used up in the process. E5 is unrelated.

“LL-37, the only human member of the cathelicidin family of antimicrobial peptides”


…“The bioactive form of vitamin D and a number of other compounds induce LL-37 expression and one might predict its upregulation”…


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Link doesn’t seem to work (get “404 Not Found” message") :angry: :slight_smile:

Reposted, missed part of the link

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WOW!. I will be a guinea pig. I do loads of subcutaneous peptides: GHKI-Cu, Oxytocin, Thymalin, Epithalon etc. Will give it a go :slight_smile:


You will be a Subject in an N- of 1 Trial.

The n-of-1 clinical trial: the ultimate strategy for individualizing medicine?

Elizabeth O Lillie,1,2 Bradley Patay,1,2

…“The ultimate goal of an n-of-1 trial is to determine the optimal or best intervention for an individual patient using objective data-driven criteria…”


“If you wait until you are ready, it is almost certainly too late.” ~ Seth Godin

I am not the waiting type.


Neither I. " :studio_microphone: … I’ve got the feeling we’re not the only ones :notes:" :wink:

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It turns out that Rapamycin increases levels of IL-37!


I have developed a GPT that has a Klotho database I uploaded. Here is the response to synergistic agents that can upregulate both Klotho and LL-37.

Investigating the synergistic effects of agents that upregulate Klotho and LL-37 is a sophisticated and nuanced area of research. While specific studies focusing on the combined effects of these agents on Klotho and LL-37 upregulation are limited, we can hypothesize potential synergies based on their known mechanisms of action and biological roles. Here’s an overview:

  1. Vitamin D3 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Both are known for their immune-modulating effects. Vitamin D3 upregulates LL-37 and potentially Klotho. Omega-3 fatty acids, through their anti-inflammatory actions, might enhance this effect, potentially creating a synergistic environment for both LL-37 and Klotho expression.
  2. Vitamin D3 and Curcumin: Vitamin D3’s role in upregulating LL-37 could be complemented by curcumin’s broad anti-inflammatory properties, which might indirectly support Klotho expression. This combination could have a synergistic effect on reducing inflammation, a key factor in aging and immune function.
  3. Curcumin and Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Both have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This combination could create a favorable environment for the expression of anti-aging genes like Klotho, and possibly for antimicrobial peptides like LL-37, by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  4. Sodium Butyrate and Vitamin D3: As an HDAC inhibitor, sodium butyrate can alter chromatin structure and affect gene expression, potentially enhancing the effects of Vitamin D3 on both LL-37 and Klotho expression.

If MXB-22,510 turns out to be as good as Maxwell thinks, it’ll be revolutionary. My caution was more simple. Adrenaline for a short time can save your life, but if it keeps pumping into your bloodstream at a high level on and on, that wouldn’t be so healthy. Kinda like that. Maybe LL-37 evolved to do its work quickly and get out because too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.