First Rapamycin Dose Today!

Taking my first dose this morning! 1mg. I’ll be increasing it by 1mg every week . . . will give periodic updates on effects in this thread. (I already had all of the biomarkers recorded in routine blood tests that my doctor did earlier this year.)

Here’s to good health! :+1:


Your adventure begins.

To an extended health span and life span.

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To your good health and a long life journey - Congrats!

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It is nice to welcome another data point. Best wishes for an extended healthspan.


Second dose this morning . . . 2mg this time. I’ve noticed no effects at all, good or bad. Will update again next week!


I didn’t start noticing anything at a 3 mg equivalence (1 mg + GFJ). At 6 mg equivalence (2 mg + GFJ), I started to notice side effects and some positives. At 9 mg equivalence (3 mg + GFJ), I really felt my health changing! It’s a long road, but it’s worth it.


Okay, one possible side-effect, but I’m not really sure . . . the last two times I’ve eaten spaghetti sauce, it has given me a burning sensation on specific parts of my inside cheek and tongue.

These “sore spots” went away within a few hours, but that doesn’t usually happen to me when I eat spaghetti.

Could that be the rapamycin? Strange effect if it is!

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Took fifth dose – 5 mg – this morning. Still no effects at all, good or bad!

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i get a burning sensation on top of my mouth after eating certain foods and it lasts a few mins, not always, but sometimes idk if its rapamycin though

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Up to 8mg today! Still no effects at all, good or bad.