Fat burning state and use of lipid lowering drug at the same time?

If a person practices daily fasting and ketogenic diet and other things which make the body use more fat instead of glucose as a fuel to generate energy. The result of this will increase lipids in the blood. What will happen if that person starts to take a drug to lower lipids? Like a statin. Will this not create some kind of fuel problems in the body because there is already also low levels of glucose? My guess is that this will lead to muscle break down because the body need to get fuel from some where else and by breaking down muscle it can obtain glucose. Or how does it work?

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I’m sure experts here can explain what happens in detail but a statin only increases the receptors to dispose of apoB tagged fat transport containers. If you have high apoB (and so the statin), most of your apoBs are on empty or nearly empty containers. Removing them will not affect energy availability by much. Triglycerides are the fat in the containers.

I would guess that very low triglycerides might be the effect you are describing but people tend to have fat stores here, there, and everywhere, so the triglycerides represent just the flux…the replenishment of (or additions to) the fat stores not the direct usage of fat.

The shift to burning glucose instead of fat at higher intensity exercise is driven by the need for faster burning fuels not a shortage of fat. When I did keto I had low muscle glycogen, and I felt a lack of power due to a lack of fuel for the fast twitch muscle fibers which can’t burn fat.

This is my understanding but I’m not an expert on this topic.


The lipids are transported as free fatty acids, so statins shouldn’t affect them


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