There’s also a walking version of this, Oura uses it to estimate vo2max
Ok, got it, now where is the chart that says how long I’ll live?
Survival of the fittest? Peak oxygen uptake and all-cause mortality among older adults in Norway !
The Grim Reaper typically targets individuals with VO2peak levels <26.5 mL/kg/min/ and <22.2 mL/kg/min when chasing male and female souls aged 70–77 years, respectively, reflecting his penchant for limited CRF. These data underscore the importance of maintaining or enhancing CRF throughout life, providing clear targets for clinicians in assessing patient CRF levels.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify the VO2peak levels that older men and women should strive to reach to reduce risk of facing Death, which is of clear importance for public health. The main findings among men and women 70–77 years of age at baseline were that: 1) compared to having a VO2peak < 85 % of the sex-specific average, a VO2peak ≥ 85 % lowers the risk of being caught by Death by 66 % in men and by 59 % in women, with no additional risk-reduction among those