Everolimus instead of Sirolimus / Rapamycin? Anyone else trying?

If it’s so cheap and available and “apparently”, might have far superior translation…why isn’t say MK considering?

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It only recently became inexpensive (the past year in the USA) and the dog study started many years ago. And, he currently sees them as equivalent, so why bother trying something untested in mice lifespan studies - not worth the risk.

Someone should do cognition/lifespan studies on mice with everolimus and with another arm of the study being sirolimus / rapamycin.


So that’s a legal/commercial impediment now removed vs rapamcyin. New information.

I don’t agree. Certainly looking through the lens of dogs and mice, who don’t complain or care, why not continue with rapamcyin. As a human though, I want superior mTOR1 without mTOR2 side effects…or at least a much better equation.

See above study posted in mice: 85% lifespan extension. Not a huge leap of faith to think Everolimus would not have similar efficacy as rapamcyin in mice.

Anyway, everyone can make their own risk/reward calculus, just airing out for discussion purposes. Not giving medical advice.


Yeah, I’m coming around to that conclusion as well.

I have a friend who’s now on everolimus 2.5 mg’s twice a week along with a telomerase activator. He feels great and his stamina has improved.

Given the 30hr half life of Everolimus, this is nowhere near a strong mTOR inhibition.

Has he ever done an Everolimus blood test…gonna take a small leap here and say no?

Please prove me wrong.

I agree with this… but I also wouldn’t be surprised if sirolimus turns out to be superior.

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No. He’s done it with rapamycin and he’s apparently very sensitive to it, absorbs it well, and gets acne on higher doses.

Are these even available? I’ve wondered this in the past… can you just use the sirolimus blood level test, or is there a special one for everolimus. I just don’t know and haven’t really looked into this yet.

Yes it is, where I am. If it’ available in Canada, it’s surely available in the US.

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Ah yes - here is the LabCorp everolimus blood test below. I’m sure the price is quite high still given its mostly an insurance market purchased test. We’ll need to contact Life Extension and see if they can provide it at the same price as the sirolimus test…

and the Quest lab info:


and more info on this type of test more generally:

everolimus-info-sheet-FINAL.pdf (210.9 KB)

I am finding Turkey seems to be the CHEAP wild wild west for almost anything health related. Europeans are flocking to the country like crazy.

I say hop on a flight to Istanbul, do your Sirolimus panel, load up on any med you want, get your chin tucked, teeth whitened, hair transplanted. Come back with an INSTAGRAM age 30+ yrs younger.


Yeah, medical tourism is one of the better sectors when your currency is imploding. The Lira is down 103% vs the US Dollar the past 12 months; and, as you can see from the attached chart, they weren’t exactly knocking the cover off the ball prior to the past year either!

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Hair transplants make sense aesthetically if you’re balding. Not sure I’d get “everything” done though. Meds headed for Turkey, I don’t know enough about the quality.

You vastly underestimate the risk/reward/economic cost calculus with modern day vanity. Instagram is full of every imaginable procedure, all ages. Might as well amortize the flight and hotel! And clearly a very willing pool of “medical providers”.

If one was a career influencer, the calculus is certainly different

= influencees.

This is the social media driven circular economy.

I don’t have enough time to elucidate my thoughts, but we don’t know enough about the combinations of drugs. I’ve taken both rapamycin and SKQ-1intermittently. I’ve experienced side effects of immune suppression- CMV, shingles, yeast infection outbreaks. The evidence suggests SKQ-1 significantly suppresses neutrophils and so does rapamycin. SKQ-1 without rapa. has not caused any adverse effects, rapamycin combined with SKQ-1 I have adverse effects every time. Rapamycin only seems to cause responses as well, but SKQ-1 seems to strongly exacerbate things. This of course is subjective experience.

To note, I also share the same response to rapamycin a couple weeks after taking it. I’ve never had chemo, but I have lupus.

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I’m not very familiar with SKQ-1, and all the research I can find seems to be coming out of a single lab in Russia (and personally, given the extreme levels of corruption in Russia, I’m very skeptical of anything coming out of Russia).

Have there been any followup clinical studies on SKQ-1 in the US or Western Europe that you are aware of?

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Anything to do with SKQ-1 is hypothetical at this stage- highly experimental.

I’m not at all confident in the research or hypothesis that it will improve lifespan, however, my experience matches outcomes similar to the rodent models ie. IGF-1 levels rose to 345ng/ml, normalization of blood pressure, significant improvements in muscle mass, tone, hardness, contraction, dark shade of hair.

Do I think my subjective results would translate to improved lifespan? I highly doubt it, in fact, I may be causing more harm blocking mtROS. Personally, it may be helpful or deleterious with my autoimmune disease. It does help manage some symptoms, but again, many risks of blocking mtROS long-term.


Subjectively, this is how I feel, my muscles just “work” on SKQ-1.

“In OXYS rats, disorders in the muscle tissue mitochondrial apparatus appear already at the age of 3 months and by the age of 24 months hypoplasia and atrophy of skeletal muscles are developed. These pathological changes are found to be prevented to a large degree by SkQ1.”
