Energy boost from Rapamycin?

Does anyone know how rapamycin increases energy?

I get a boost of energy every time I take my weekly dose of 6mg. which I see happens in some people but not all users. I find it so stimulating that I had to start out at 3mg and work my way up to 6mg slowly over time.
Is it strictly through the boost in autophagy or is there some sort of other biology at work here?

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Wow you’re fortunate I’m trying it for chronic fatigue and it’s done nothing for me after 4 months.

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Have you tried LDN also?

What autophagy should achieve is an increase in average mitochondrial efficiency. That obviously would provide more energy.

However, I would expect this to take a few days and not be immediate.

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No but I’ve been thinking about it. My brother takes it, he has a myofacial pain going on, says it’s helped that but has also been a mood booster. I’m on tramadol so will need to get off that but plan to in the fall. Thanks.

No, I also have found I get a boost in energy… both in the short term (few hours after dosing) and longer term (can work 12 hour days again with no issues, or skip sleep / drive all night, like I could when younger), but I’ve not come across any research that discusses this effect or what potential causes might be.

Many people avoid taking rapamycin in the evening because it stimulates them so much they can’t sleep (I’ve made the mistake of taking it at 8pm one night and completing messing up my sleep schedule because I couldn’t get to sleep until 4 or 5am that morning…

Strangely, other people here take rapamycin just before they go to bed and find they sleep better… so obviously its an individual response.