E500 smart watch report

Today 12/27/2022 my E500 smart watch blood glucose measurement compared to real lab test was off by .85 mmol/l not adjusted. Adjusted would be .35 mmol/l


.35 would be acceptable to me, but what is the adjustment and is it difficult to do? .85 is too much of an error.


You adjust the fasting blood glucose in the software{H Band] in .50 increments, the default is 4.5 mmol/l

I did post screen shot{showing the changing/adjusting page] for the other member that I know has one{an E500], in another thread.

.85 is too much ?

Your at home strip meter is plus or minus 10 to 15 percent and that is “acceptable” by FDA medical standards.

In my view

A watch{with a cost of less than $50.00] that measures blood glucose{and many other measures ments] every 5 minute’s even if the blood glucose is10% off is a “no brainier” to use.

You think that a $150.00 per use CGM is “accurate”?

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I’ll check out the other post, then probably buy the watch. Thanks. Update: I just bought it, and I’ll post how it works out.


Joseph, Do you have a link to where you bought your E500? Thanks.

My E500 has arrived at my office, but I am not there at the moment. My plan is to use it together with a Dexcom G7 session and compare the results.



I purchased it through AliExpress.

Many people sell the E500 on that site. I just purchased the least expensive one.

The prices change up and down, look on AliExpress.

Read the ads as the prices have different items, such as a chest band{which is an option.]

On another thread in this forum I post the person /company I purchased from at the time.

See link;


Thanks for the tip. Just ordered it.

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Update: The order was processed on the 29th of Dec, and is expected to arrive on Jan 20, 2023; a scheduled turnaround of three weeks.

Will it be a dud? Not on the basis of Joseph’s experience. Even if it were, the price to benefit ratio makes it a reasonable gamble. “I have been a fool for lesser things.” (Billy Joel, “For the Longest Time.”)



I have purchased all three, the E400, E500 and the EP01.

Are they perfect no

Nothing in life is.

Are they{the watch’s] worth the cost for the data collected even if not"perfect" in my view YES.

People think a $300.00 per month CGM is “accurate”.

In my view, not at $300.00 per month, for the data and accuracy you collect.

I said/posted this before; someone should get these watches(all three] to work with levels and Nutrisense.


I have mine now, I am going to run it for a few days before comparing it to Dexcom. I intend starting up my blood tests again on Friday and will probably go for glucose as part of that.

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I have some feedback on the E500.

I have a morning routine when I have got up which includes charging my Fitbit Sense. I am also charging the hBand. I put the hBand on about 1pm and at 6am this morning it was 53% charged having had 100% at 1pm. I find with Sense that it loses more charge during the night than the day. Sense, however, is now fully recharged in the same time hBand got 30% more charge, but it should be fully recharged soon. I will keep an eye on whether hBand needs charging more than once a day.

going to bed my blood pressure on an Omron sphygmomanometer was 128/76 hr 51 hband said 120/85 and was confused about my heart rate/

on waking omron had 120/74 hr 54 and hband 116/79 hr 58 fitbit had hr 54 and elite hrv using a polar had an hr of 53.

hband offers an hrv which is an interesting scatter chart, but they don’t provide a comparable rmssd they had a heart health score of 78. Fitbit does hrv during sleep and gave me 27ms, elite hrv using polar gave me 57. These are not comparable figures.

I am impressed that hBand has a go at blood pressure merely from being a watch. I am not sure how accurate it is, however.

I am also not sure about the accuracy of the heart rate.

hBand claims to identify sleep and I did sleep, but it has not reported this.

I bought it, however, because of its claim to measure blood glucose.

It does seem to be doing something that looks like blood glucose. I am doing a blood test on Friday and aim to set up Dexcom 7 to run with it. However, with values in millimoles per litre (uk). Multiply by 18 for mg/dl rather than mmol/L.

It had an average value of 3.6 whilst asleep with a minimum of 3.3 and a maximum of 4.13. I think this is a bit low.

Yesterday I did not have that much carby food after breakfast and it did track when I ate. It tended to peak around 7 and to have an unfed state (a bit like fasting I suppose) of 4.

I think that is also probably a bit low (possibly 0.5-1), but it may not be wrong. Also I think it follows blood glucose perhaps slower than interstitial fluid. That does not, however, matter.

I am not going to use fingersticks to calibrate it as they are not that good and I am not that good at using them. Furthermore I plan on a lab blood glucose test where I am driving to the lab to provide the sample so the metabolism/time error should be really low.

It is impressive, but I can not found out how to download any data. It will “share” images of pages in the app with other things on my mobile such as samsung notes. Hence I can get images out, but not data.

Hence it does not replace fitbit, but is really impressive particularly given the price. Whilst typing this it has become fully charged.

When I use mobiles at night I wear blue light excluding (orange) glasses. The app is hard to read with those glasses, but that is a minor issue.

If I wake during the night I want to find out whether my body has engaged the cortisol awakening response or not as if it has normally I will remain awake for an ultradian cycle (normally about 90mins) before being able to resleep.


Further to this I have now compared Oxygen Saturation from hBand to fitbit Sense. Fitbit failed to measure it and often comes up with 96%. hBand has a chart with some interesting dips for the night, but happily no apnea and normally comes up with 98%. I have just measured my SP02 with an oximeter and it came up with 99/98. Hence probably overnight hBand is more accurate than fitbit. I have no certainty on that and in any event for whatever reason fitbit did not get a value.

I had a full English breakfast (or something similar to that) at 8.45 and currently 10.20 the glucose is on an upwards swing at 7.14mmol/L. My breakfast is quite carby having slices of toast with butter and baked beans so I am not surprised that the glucose started ticking up reasonably quickly.

hBand also does a skin temperature and tries to calculate a body temperature. Fitbit doesn’t produce a chart and gives a value compared to a baseline. I cannot say whether hBand is right or not. It won’t be far off.


For people that do not know

H Band is the software app

The E500 is the watch/instrument.

Have you adjusted the reference values in the H Band software?

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I have not adjusted the reference values, because I do not know what to adjust them to.

I have had HbA1c measured at 4.18% so it is possible I have really low blood sugar at night (3.5-4 63-72). When I last tried the Dexcom it came up with unfeasibly low so I don’t have a current comparison. I have made quite a bit of progress getting long genes to express since I previously used Dexcom (in February/March this year).

My current lab, however, includes the labile component of HbA1c so I won’t get as low a figure.

Breakfast peaked at 7.14 and then came back down to 4 (72). That is all reasonable and possible. The lowest I have today is 3.3 (59.4) which is not impossible on a temporary basis. It still seems a bit low.

I’ve been as low as 3.2 at night (Freestyle LibreLink) so I think your numbers are in the right ballpark.

I remember earlier this year seeing a drop when some time release melatonin kicked in. I do tend to use quite a bit of exogenous melatonin during the night so that will bring down the figures. Looking at the chart it was around the upper 3s and 4 before melatonin cut in, but came down to 3.3 after melatonin would have hit the serum. I also added 5ml of ketone ester.

I don’t think the figures are so obviously wrong that I need to adjust them. In any event I would prefer not to adjust anything and if I think an error correction is required make that in any final analysis.

Thinking further on this (as I did walking to the shops just now) if Melatonin pushes down night time blood sugar that would add to an increase of autophagy as energy levels will be quite low.

I wonder, however, if that is best linked to ketone esters or whether it is best not to have the ketone bodies. There are aspects of histone modification that come from beta hydroxybutyrate.

Slightly linked I saw this paper this morning (from earlier in 2022)

Menaquinone-7 is something I have always found particularly interesting because of it providing an extra electron transport for the mitochondria. I think, however, that it is a supplement for the morning. Historically it took my resting heart rate up by a couple of ticks and also disrupted sleep although I seem to have got over that aspect now.

However, they gave the rats rather a lot of K2 in this. Although they were looking at the brain specifically I think it has broader effects (linked to mitchondrial efficiency probably).

You adjust it the H Band software.

I have not yet found where to adjust it, but i am not certain what the correct value is. It could be right.

The fasting default for blood glucose is 4.5 mmol/l.

It is adjustable in .5 mmol/l increments

The adjustment are in the H Band app.

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