Dr Green Podcasts


Awesome - thanks for putting this up. I love watching Dr. Green and gaining from his experience. I’d not have been aware of this without you posting.

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In my view skip the first 18 minutes {you will extend 18 minutes of your life, time is your most valuable asset and the first 18 minutes is a wast of your time]

Dr Green monologue starts at 18:00


Thanks so much, there are so many videos here and they take up so much time.
And remember that you can increase the speed slightly and still understand them.


The 5th one is very interesting, where AG argues that rapa (tamping down Mtor) protects you from inflammation-related diseases so you have a chance to grow into old age, but by itself doesn’t extend longevity, except as a side effect of tamping down disease. But eventually the mitochondria don’t generate enough ATP and you die because of it, and that we need is a breakthrough to solve this problem (simplified version from a non-biologist). I’m waiting for the biologists to discuss this, but maybe I’m just naive and this all along has been the common understanding of the situation.


The headline: None! Not a single one of Dr. Greens Rapamycin treated patients have died from a sudden acute cardiac event over the entire course of his rapamycin practice (6 years). Statistically, some of them should have.

The nitty-gritty: I would have liked to see annualized patient totals added together rather than last year’s total used for his “patient-years” calculation. I was confused by the “death certificate” cause of death discussion vs a more clinical definition of an acute cardiac event. I’d like to know if Dr. Greens’ patient population have had any known deaths.

How about that headline though?

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We may find that aging really is an accumulation of disease-like states. Nobody ever died of good health!

Damage kills most people before 100 but no one has ever surpassed the age of 122, not even by random chance alone despite there being over 8 billion people around nowadays. There must be some programmed factor that eventually kills us even if we avoid all kinds of damage.